Previously Purchased Securities definition
Examples of Previously Purchased Securities in a sentence
Pre-clearance is required for any covered person with respect to any proposed trade in a covered account in an IPO (generally prohibited), limited offering (generally prohibited), the sale of any Previously Purchased Securities from a covered account or any other trade in a security, unless the specific type of security or trading is excluded from pre-clearance under Section D below.
However, some scholars and practitioners have studied these mechanisms.
Pre-clearance is required for any covered person with respect to any proposed trade in a covered account in an IPO (generally prohibited), limited offering (generally prohibited), the sale of any Previously Purchased Securities from a covered account or any other trade in a security, unless the specific type of security or trading is excluded from pre-clearance under Section D(3) below.
A pre-clearance request by a access person to sell 1,000 or fewer Previously Purchased Securities of an issuer that has at least $1 billion in market capitalization is not subject to the prohibitions in Section C(1) or (2).
Subject to the pre-clearance requirements in Section D, a covered person will be permitted to sell Previously Purchased Securities provided that (a) no client account has a pending “buy” or “sell” order in that same security on the day of sale; and (b) the Previously Purchased Securities have been held by the covered person for at least 60 days.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, portfolio managers, traders and analysts may not sell Previously Purchased Securities under this Section C(2) within 7 calendar days before and 7 calendar days after any client account trades or considers trading the same security.