Examples of Primary Reserve Fund in a sentence
All activity from February 22, 2005 (inception) through July 19, 2005 relates to the Company's formation and initial public offering described below.
It is instructive to compare portfolio flows after the SEC regulation came into effect in October 2016 with what happened during two past episodes of turmoil in the MMF industry: the period around September 2008 after the Primary Reserve Fund broke the buck (the so-called “2008 MMF Run”), and the second half of 2011 at the height of the European debt crisis (the so-called “Silent Run”).
When the Primary Reserve Fund “broke the buck” after the failure of Lehman Brothers, it precipitated large redemptions from prime MMFs, mainly by institutional investors who were concerned that large MMF exposures to stressed financial firms would lead to losses.
The balance in the Primary Reserve Fund established for each debt issuance is utilized to fund the final principal payment when the related debt issuance is completely repaid.
If the Program Reserve and letter of credit discussed below are exhausted, the Primary Reserve Fund amounts can be used to secure repayment of other outstanding obligations issued under the Program.
To address the strains in dollar funding markets that emerged immediately after the Primary Reserve Fund “broke the buck,” the Federal Reserve introduced, in addition to the CPFF, two other facilities under section 13(3): the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility and the Money Market Investor Funding Facility.
Cash and Investments (Continued) Primary Reserve Fund: Authorized Investment Type Maximum MaturityMaximum Percentageof Portfolio Cash Deposits The only contractual provision that CEA has in regards to cash deposits is that CEA is required, by the CEA Revenue Bond Indenture, to set-aside into a trust account, written premium on a monthly basis of $3.625 million to cover interest and principle payment amounts in case of default.
Primary Reserve Fund: Authorized Investment Type Maximum MaturityMaximum Percentageof Portfolio Cash Deposits For the 2006 series revenue bonds, the CEA had a contractual provision in regards to cash deposits that the CEA was required to set-aside, into a trust account, monthly written premium of $3.625 million to cover interest and principle payment amounts in case of default.
All information, interviews, reports, statements, and test results, whether written or otherwise, received by the Board or school through its prohibitive substance testing program are confidential communications and will remain strictly confidential.
All borrowers must deposit an amount equal to 10 percent of the proceeds of the bonds in a Primary Reserve Fund for each issuance, which secures the specific obligation.