Remote access means that inspection can be made without the need to physically visit the courthouse where the court record is maintained.
Trading Access means the right granted to a Person to send RFQs or place Orders and/or enter into transactions for certain or all Swaps to the SEF Platform or execute Swaps subject to the BSEF Rules.
Open Access means the non-discriminatory provision for the use of transmission lines or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by the Appropriate Commission;
Internet Access means a service that enables users to access content, information, electronic mail or other services over the internet. Internet access does not include telecommunication services provided by a common carrier.
Public School Student Accessing Courses at a Distance means a student who is scheduled for a full course load through the District and attends all classes virtually.
Private information means **personal information in combination with any one or more of the following data elements, when either the personal information or the data element is not encrypted or encrypted with an encryption key that has also been acquired:
Direct access means access to a patient or resident or to a patient's or resident's property, financial information, medical records, treatment information, or any other identifying information.
Private Key means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature;
Private use means any use of the Trading Platform by Clients that are physical persons;
Keyboard access Can users access all functions and content, and complete all tasks, independently by using only the keyboard (<tab>, <enter>, <spacebar>, <esc>, and arrow keys)? Verify in particular: o There are no keyboard traps that would prevent a user from advancing through the entire page, such as an automatically-refreshing social media embedded feed (tip: try to tab very, very slowly through any such feed to observe whether a user can close it, or move past it, at a reasonable point; if the feed keeps refreshing by automatically adding additional entries to be shown, it causes a trap for those who are unable to use quick keyboard strokes – or a mouse - to navigate);
Private Improvements means the improvements to be constructed on the Property that are not Public Improvements.
Exchange Access means as defined in the Act.
Lateral Access Road Licence means a miscellaneous licence granted pursuant to subclause (6)(a)(ii) or subclause (6)(b) as the case may be and according to the requirements of the context describes the area of land from time to time the subject of that licence;
Wastewater treatment system means any equipment, plants,
Switched Access Detail Usage Data means a category 1101xx record as defined in the EMI iconectiv Practice BR 010-200-010.
Conditional Access System means any technical measure and/or arrangement whereby access to a protected radio or television broadcasting service in intelligible form is made conditional upon subscription or other form of prior individual authorisation;
Open type traction battery means a type of battery requiring filling with liquid and generating hydrogen gas that is released to the atmosphere.
Web Site Accessibility Standards/Specifications means standards contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 206.
Line Information Data Base (LIDB means a transaction-oriented database system that functions as a centralized repository for data storage and retrieval. LIDB is accessible through CCS networks. LIDB contains records associated with End User line numbers and special billing numbers.
Security System means the building access control system developed by Alya and known as the O.P.E.N.centrix-Open Platform for Essential Network, which includes, without limitation, the Application Software, the firmware containing the Application Software, the O.P.E.N.cortex platform software and all hardware related thereto; and
Coordinated licensure information system means an integrated process for collecting, storing, and sharing information on nurse licensure and enforcement activities related to nurse licensure laws that is administered by a nonprofit organization composed of and controlled by licensing boards.
Local Access Transport Area (LATA) is As Defined in the Act.
Telecommunications Access Device means that term as defined in Section 219a of the Michigan Penal Code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.219a, as may be amended from time to time. As of January 2012, "Telecommunication Access Device" is defined to mean any of the following:
Lateral Access Roads has the meaning given in subclause (3)(a)(iv));
E-Verify system means an Internet-based system operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security that allows participating employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of newly hired employees; and
Limited access highway means a highway: