Examples of Private collection in a sentence
Private collection agency services must be performed in compliance with the New Jersey Supreme Court Procedures Governing the Private Collection of Municipal Court Debt, as well as all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and rules governing debt collection.
Private collection, 1988-2007, E-mail, J Thebaut (Director Chronicles Group)/M Liefferink, 17 December 2006; E-mail, B Charrier (Vice-President Green Cross International, Switzerland)/M Liefferink, 27 November 2006; E-mail, A Turton (Executive Director IWRA)/M Liefferink, 1 December 2006; E-mail, B Peek (Member, Groundwork Friends of the Earth, SA)/M Liefferink, 4 April 2007; Legal Resource Centre, E-mail, E Nicol (Member, LRC)/M Liefferink, 6 February 2007.
Where do you dispose your solid w aste (1) Provided by LGU (3) Private collection service (2) Provided by Barangay (4) None E4b.
NA), Dept for the Protection of the Environment (PE) Letter, Federasie van Sake- en Beroepsvroue, 1972; M Liefferink, 1988-2007, Private collection, Letter, M Liefferink/Multiple recipients, 2 September 2007.
Private collection and reloading points represent one of the most important pivotal points for the export of low-value equipment.
DEGÓRSKI, M.Sc.7 – Polinices pseudoredemptus (FRIEDBERG), × 2; Private collection of P.
DEGÓRSKI, M.Sc.8-9 – Nacca unica BAŁUK, × 2; Private collection of P.
KOLANOWSKI 251 6 3 7 8 PLATE 3 Families Trochidae and Naticidae 1-3 – Astraea (Bolma) mehelyi (BOETTGER), × 2; 1 – U.W., BkK-G1142; 2 – U.W., BkK-1253; 3– U.W., BkK-G12544 – Astraea (Bolma) tuberculata (DE SERRES), × 1; Collection of the Museum of the Earth, Warsaw, VIII Mg - 42545 – Astraea (Bolma) meynardi (MICHELOTTI), × 1; U.W., BkK-G12556 – Natica tigrina RÖDING, × 2; Private collection of P.
Titles such as Oom (uncle), Auntie and Mrs were used during the interviews and in reference to interviewees as a sign of respect.39 Private collection of Oom Georgie: City of Johannesburg, Housing department letter to G Rorke, a resident of 468 Modder St, Noordgesig, 27 June 1985.
Private collection fees are capped at K80 per month for households and K50 per 210l drum for commercial collections.