Examples of Private firm in a sentence
Private, firm, fair, and consistent discipline must be maintained.
Created by the first graduates of the Entrepreneuri- al Leadership and Innovation Degree at University of Mondragón (private corporate university)ARTIUMBasque Museum of Contemporary ArtTABAKALERAPublic Cultural CenterDaniel and Nina Carasso FoundationARTransforma Private firm working on sociallyinclusive and participatory art projectsARTransformaPrivate firm working on socially inclusive andparticipatory art projects 1.
Private firm member – this includes individuals, partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies or other entity who make his/her/their living primarily from providing planning or consulting services to political subdivisions, agencies or organizations.
Export management company Private firm acting as an export department for several producers by taking title to the goods or transacting export business on their behalf for a fee.
Sir, We hereby declare that M/s is neither put on Holiday nor Black-listedby any Government / PSU / Private firm or Financial Institution .
Private firm presidents earn more stable incomes than the public firm cohort.
Private firm member – a membership certificate, and each private firm shall have one vote as a member of his/her/their respective NPZA District, serve on committees, and receive all publications of the NPZA; provided, however that a private firm member may not hold an elective NPZA office other than as a District Representative.
Private firm manages arrears payments.• Clear signage at highly visible locations stating terms of parking use.• Utilize part-time, temporary staff to patrol parking areas• Violations Enforced:o No Paymento Split Space Parkingo Overtime Parking • “Over-park” paper notice placed on windshield.
Private, firm, fair,and constant discipline must be maintained.The work of the coach must be an integral part of the educational program of the school.
Institutions type 1= Private firm, and 2=University or Research Center; and firm size: 1= Micro, 2= Small, 3= Medium, and 4=Big, were included as node attributes to facilitate networks’ visualization.