Private project definition
Examples of Private project in a sentence
Private project mechanic’s liens create a security interest in the approved property and help to establish priority of payment.
Private project applicants are not required by this policy to present their application before CPGs, although the City encourages applicants to conduct robust engagement with CPGs, the community, and project neighbors.
Private project inspection trackingCounty Permit Center staff utilize the AMANDA software to record and maintain inspections and enforcement of private projects.
His demand for total attention at the very beginning of his speech reveals his view about the authority of a president.A moment later, when Vera, the former president, is about to relate how she previously decided in a comparable matter, Zehner interrupts her harshly by say ing: <nei“n * mir beschränken uns auf geschä“ftsordnung und Satzung (“no, we only go by the statutes and the rules”).
Private project beneficiaries have to act as contracting authority as defined by Art.