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Process line definition

Process line means one or more actions or unit opera- tions which must function simultaneously or in sequence in order to manufacture or modify a product.
Process line means a group of equipment assembled that can operate independently if supplied with sufficient raw materials to produce polypropylene, high-density polyethylene, or polystyrene. A process line consists of

Examples of Process line in a sentence

  • Process line is constantly improved, and exploitation area is always increased to meet customers’ demand.

  • In cases where there are two external facilitators, the responsibility for opening the EQUIPS process line sits with the MOSP or delegate.The EQUIPS Process line is located in the Offender Programs and Evaluation Measures screen.

  • Motion: Move to approve the Super Search Land Corners Grid Statement of Work with Xerox and authorize the transfer of $14,400.00 from the Automation Fund Balance to the Automation Data Process (line item number 256-236-813-000), and authorize the Board Chair to sign the same.

  • Section 5.1.5 describes the work flow of Process Engineering: how to reuse the pre-identified process elements to define the new single processes.Figure 22 presents a work flow overview of how to create a Process line.

  • Process line A shall be identified by one or more signs posted on or near the process line.

  • Figure 3 Process line of predicted and measured value of concrete dam deformation of each model Through the analysis of Figure 3, it can be seen that the deep learning-based CNN concrete dam deformation prediction model curve has the highest agreement, the target loss function is the smallest, the model training results are better, and its prediction performance is also significantly better than the statistics-based OLS and SVM concrete dams.

  • Process line B shall be identified by one or more signs posted on or near the process line.

  • Following figure shows the navigation button: Figure 50 – Process line navigation arrows Navigation button and the line shall always be in the same color.

  • Process line L003 constitutes one site for purpose of Title I of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments because it operates under a different two digit SIC code from the other three process lines and it does not operate as a support facility for the other three process lines.

  • Objective of the meetings was to finalise the written procedure (Guidance Document), to define Process line out (Action Plan for BREF Process in Gujarat), to finalise ToRs for TWG & Author, discussion about key environment issues (Textile Sector) to be considered and preparation of questionnaire for textile sector.

More Definitions of Process line

Process line means one or more pieces of equipment linked by the process flow and producing a product or performing a service such that the product cannot be produced or the service cannot be performed if any piece of equipment is removed or not functioning.

Related to Process line

  • Access line means an exchange access line that has the ability to access dial tone and reach a public safety answering point.

  • Process Gas means gas used for which alternate fuels, other than another gaseous fuel, are not technically feasible such as in applications requiring precise temperature controls and precise flame characteristics.

  • Process weight means the total weight of all materials introduced into any source operation. Solid fuels charged will be considered as part of the process weight, but liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air will not.

  • Development Location Point means a single point selected by the Applicant on the proposed Development site that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development. For a Development which consists of Scattered Sites, this means a single point on the site with the most units that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development.

  • RFP Process or “Bidding Process” means the process governing the submission and evaluation of the Bids as set out in the RFP itself;

  • Cannabis processing facility means a person that:

  • Large Facility Interconnection Procedures or “LFIP”) shall mean the interconnection procedures applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility that are included in Attachment X of the ISO OATT. Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (“LGIA”) shall mean this Agreement, which is the form of interconnection agreement applicable to an Interconnection Request pertaining to a Large Generating Facility, that is included in Appendix 4 to Attachment X of the ISO OATT. System Deliverability Upgrades shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to Byways and Highways and Other Interfaces on the existing New York State Transmission System and Distribution System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard at the requested level of Capacity Resource Interconnection Service. System Protection Facilities shall mean the equipment, including necessary protection signal communications equipment, required to (1) protect the New York State Transmission System from faults or other electrical disturbances occurring at the Large Generating Facility and (2) protect the Large Generating Facility from faults or other electrical system disturbances occurring on the New York State Transmission System or on other delivery systems or other generating systems to which the New York State Transmission System is directly connected. System Upgrade Facilities shall mean the least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications to the existing transmission system that are required to maintain system reliability due to: (i) changes in the system, including such changes as load growth and changes in load pattern, to be addressed in the form of generic generation or transmission projects; and (ii) proposed interconnections. In the case of proposed interconnection projects, System Upgrade Facilities are the modifications or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard. Tariff shall mean the NYISO Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), as filed with the Commission, and as amended or supplemented from time to time, or any successor tariff. Trial Operation shall mean the period during which Developer is engaged in on-site test operations and commissioning of the Large Generating Facility prior to Commercial Operation.

  • Airport Ground Support Equipment means vehicles and equipment used at an airport to service aircraft between flights.

  • Manufacturing Facility means buildings and structures, including machinery and equipment, the primary purpose of which is or will be the manufacture of tangible goods or materials or the processing of such goods or materials by physical or chemical change.

  • Generation Interconnection Customer means an entity that submits an Interconnection Request to interconnect a new generation facility or to increase the capacity of an existing generation facility interconnected with the Transmission System in the PJM Region.

  • Process unit means equipment assembled for the extraction of natural gas liquids from field gas, the fractionation of the liquids into natural gas products, or other operations associated with processing natural gas products. A process unit can operate independently if supplied with sufficient feed or raw materials and sufficient storage facilities for the products.

  • Processing facility means an establishment that prepares, treats, or converts tangible personal property into finished goods or another form of tangible personal property. The term includes a business engaged in processing agricultural, aquacultural, or maricultural products and specifically includes meat, poultry, and any other variety of food processing operations. It does not include an establishment in which retail sales of tangible personal property are made to retail customers.

  • Procurement Process means the process commenced by the issuing of this Invitation and concluding upon the award of a contract (or other outcome as determined by Tetra Tech International Development) or upon the earlier termination of the process

  • Operational Acceptance Tests means the tests specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan to be carried out to ascertain whether the System, or a specified Sub system, is able to attain the functional and performance requirements specified in the Technical Requirements and Agreed Project Plan, in accordance with the provisions of GCC Clause 27.2 (Operational Acceptance Test).

  • Access Card means an ATM card, debit card or credit card and includes our Visa Card

  • Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study means a study conducted by the Transmission Provider (in coordination with the affected Transmission Owner(s)) in accordance with Tariff, Part IV, section 36.

  • Manufacturing Facilities means facilities engaged in the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products and shall include:

  • Generation Interconnection Facilities Study means a Facilities Study related to a Generation Interconnection Request.

  • Planned External Financed Generation Capacity Resource means a Planned External Generation Capacity Resource that, prior to August 7, 2015, has an effective agreement that is the equivalent of an Interconnection Service Agreement, has submitted to the Office of the Interconnection the appropriate certification attesting achievement of Financial Close, and has secured at least 50 percent of the MWs of firm transmission service required to qualify such resource under the deliverability requirements of the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Customer-Funded Upgrade means any Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade, or Merchant Network Upgrade for which cost responsibility (i) is imposed on an Interconnection Customer or an Eligible Customer pursuant to Tariff, Part VI, section 217, or (ii) is voluntarily undertaken by a New Service Customer in fulfillment of an Upgrade Request. No Network Upgrade, Local Upgrade or Merchant Network Upgrade or other transmission expansion or enhancement shall be a Customer-Funded Upgrade if and to the extent that the costs thereof are included in the rate base of a public utility on which a regulated return is earned.

  • Construction Phase Services means the coordination, implementation and execution of the Work required by this Agreement, which are further defined in Article 8.

  • Spacecraft (9) means active and passive satellites and space probes.

  • Access Channel means any Channel, or portion thereof, designated for Access purposes or otherwise made available to facilitate or transmit Access programming or services.

  • Data Processing Equipment means any equipment, computer hardware, or computer software (and the lease or licensing agreements related thereto) other than Personal Computers, owned or leased by the Failed Bank at Bank Closing, which is, was, or could have been used by the Failed Bank in connection with data processing activities.

  • Open type traction battery means a type of battery requiring filling with liquid and generating hydrogen gas that is released to the atmosphere.

  • Interconnection Customer means a Generation Interconnection Customer and/or a Transmission Interconnection Customer.