Examples of Process vent in a sentence
If the TOC emission rate is being calculated, Cj includes all or- ganic compounds measured minus meth- ane and ethane; if the total organic HAP emission rate is being calculated, only organic HAP compounds are included.Mj = Molecular weight of organic compound j, gram/gram-mole.Qs = Process vent flow rate, dry standard cubic meter per minute, at a tempera- ture of 20 °C.
If the TOC emission rate is being calculated, Cj includes all organic com- pounds measured minus methane and eth- ane; if the total organic HAP emission rate is being calculated, only organic HAP com- pounds are included.Mj = Molecular weight of organic compound j, gram/gram-mole.Qs = Process vent flow rate, dry standard cubic meter per minute, at a temperature of 20 °C.
Qi, Qo = Process vent flow rate, dry standard cubic meter per minute, at a tempera- ture of 20 °C, at the inlet and outlet of the control device, respectively.
Qs = Process vent flow rate, dry standard cubic meter per minute, at a temperature of 20 °C.
Where:EFPVadj = Adjusted process-vent-specific emission factor for an untested operating scenario.ECFUT = Emission calculation factor for the untested operating scenario developed under paragraph (c)(4) of this section.ECFT = Emission calculation for the tested operating scenario developed under paragraph (c)(4) of this section.EFPV = Process vent specific emission factor for the tested operating scenario.