Process waste water definition

Process waste water means any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product, or waste product.
Process waste water means any water, except cooling water, which comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, service item, intermediate product, finished product, byproduct, or waste product, and may contain in solution or suspension various components of such raw materials, items or products.
Process waste water means any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by product, or waste product. Process waste water includes, but is not limited to, "leachate" and cooling water other than "non-contact cooling water". (Please note that

Examples of Process waste water in a sentence

  • An impairment loss is reversed only to the extentthat the asset’s carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortisation, if no impairment loss had been recognised.

  • There are two types of waste water that can be produced:− Process waste water produced from the activities and;− Sanitary waste water from toilets, washrooms and canteens.Our EPA licence requires us to manage our waste water and ensure that it does not cause environmental pollution when discharged into the environment.

  • Emissions from scope 1, 2, according to GHG event log in t;» Portion of primary and secondary materials in %;» Overall water consumption in m³;» Process waste water in m³;» Waste for disposal in t;» Waste for recycling in t;» VOC emissions (volatile organic compound) in t.

  • The Process waste water generated will be 160.0 KLD, which will be pretreated in in-House ETP capacity of 190.0 KLD and will be sent to CETP-JETL for further treatment.

  • Process waste water is collected, settled and neutralised for re-use.

  • Process waste water will be collected in slime ponds and circulated back in the washing circuit.

  • Process waste water will be collected and further treated to required standards.

  • Process waste water will be re-used for quenching bottom ash.After quenching in water, bottom ash will be stored in a storage area, before unloading onto vehicles in an enclosed building.

  • Process waste water will be re-used for quenching bottom ash.After quenching in water, bottom ash will be kept in an indoor storage area, before unloading onto vehicles in an enclosed building.

  • Process waste water was discharged via an open metal trough to the two infiltration lagoons located northwest of the plant (Figure 1-1).

Related to Process waste water

  • Process Wastewater means any water which, during manufacturing or processing, comes into direct contact with or results from the production or use of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product, or waste product.

  • waste water means used water containing substances or objects that is subject to regulation by national law.

  • business waste means waste that emanates from premises that are used wholly or mainly for commercial, retail, wholesale, entertainment or government administration purposes;

  • e-waste means electrical and electronic equipment, whole or in part discarded as waste by the consumer or bulk consumer as well as rejects from manufacturing, refurbishment and repair processes;

  • Yard waste means leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden debris and brush, including clean woody vegetative material no greater than 6 inches in diameter. This term does not include stumps, roots or shrubs with intact root balls.

  • Underground source of drinking water means an aquifer or its portion:

  • Unpolluted water means water of quality equal to or better than the effluent criteria in effect or water that would not cause violation of receiving water quality standards and would not be benefited by discharge to the sanitary sewers and wastewater treatment facilities provided.

  • Cannabis waste means waste that is not hazardous waste, as defined in Public Resources Code section 40141, that contains cannabis and that has been made unusable and unrecognizable in the manner prescribed in sections 5054 and 5055 of this division.

  • Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater means the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Waterworks Association and the Water Environment Federation;

  • Hazardous Waste Management Facility means, as defined in NCGS 130A, Article 9, a facility for the collection, storage, processing, treatment, recycling, recovery, or disposal of hazardous waste.

  • Nuclear waste means a quantity of source, byproduct or special nuclear material required to be in NRC−approved speci- fication packaging while transported to, through or across a state boundary to a disposal site, or to a collection point for transport to a disposal site.

  • Wastewater treatment plant means a facility designed and constructed to receive, treat, or store waterborne or liquid wastes.

  • Universal waste transporter means a person engaged in the off-site transportation of universal waste by air, rail, highway, or water.

  • Animal waste means any waste consisting of animal matter that has not been processed into food for human consumption.

  • Waste pile means any non-containerized accumulation of solid, non-flowing waste that is used for treatment or storage.

  • Putrescible waste means a solid waste that contains organic matter capable of being decomposed by microorganisms so as to cause a malodor, gases, or other offensive conditions, or which is capable of providing food for birds and other vectors. Putrescible wastes may form a contaminated leachate from microbiological degradation, chemical processes, and physical processes. Putrescible waste includes, but is not limited to, garbage, offal, dead animals, general household waste, and commercial waste. All solid wastes which do not meet the definitions of inert or chemical wastes shall be considered putrescible wastes.

  • general waste means waste that does not pose an immediate hazard or threat to health or to the environment, and includes-

  • Waste oil means used or spent oil or solvents or other volatile hydrocarbons, including but not limited to crankcase oil.

  • Industrial wastewater means the water or liquid carried waste from an industrial process. These wastes may result from any process or activity of industry, manufacture, trade or business, from the development of any natural resource, or from animal operations such as feedlots, poultry houses, or dairies. The term includes contaminated storm water and leachate from solid waste facilities.

  • Treatment Plant means the onshore plant to be constructed by the Joint Venturers for the liquefaction and treatment of natural gas and condensate as contemplated in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Trade waste means any solid, liquid, or gaseous waste material or rubbish resulting from construction, land clearing for construction or development, building operations, or the prosecution of any business, trade, or industry including, but not necessarily limited to, plastic products, cartons, paint, grease, oil and other petroleum products, chemicals or cinders.

  • Potable water means water which meets the requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 604 for drinking, culinary, and domestic purposes.

  • Landscape waste means any vegetable or plant waste except garbage. The term includes trees, tree trimmings, branches, stumps, brush, weeds, leaves, grass, shrubbery, and yard trimmings.

  • Surface water means all water which is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff.

  • Household waste means any solid waste (including garbage, trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas).

  • Sewage treatment plant means any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage.