Examples of Procurement Audit in a sentence
Corporate Director Environment and Enterprise Community & Cultural Services, Environment Services, Planning & Enterprise Corporate Director of Resources Shared Services, Finance & Procurement, Audit & Risk, ICT & eGovernment Customer Services, Strategy & Service Improvement, Human Resources, Legal & Governance Services.
The OMES Procurement Audit team electronically monitors all state agency purchase card transactions.
The parties have not yet agreed upon a third modification to the MOA establishing a revised timetable for PPMS development and implementation.
By tracking the results of the audit follow-ups, the Procurement Audit Division measures the progress of resolving previously reported issues.
It uses data from 3 reports:- LOGIS mainframe audit trail – BM001 – available on LBIS- LOGIS report RR131 – Procurement Audit Report per supplier, which we released last year- LOGIS WEB audit report – to be released now in Sept Once all 3 reports are available to the users, we can then publish the Excel template with all the lookup formulas between the 3 reports, as well as a job-aid on how to use the Excel template – this may eliminate the “cut & paste” that the user refers to.
The purpose of the Procurement Audit of ACEs is to study, verify, interpret, and critically analyze all data, documents and Procurement statement collected/received and form true, fair and independent opinion on the Procurement Statements of the Procurement operation of ACE (Nigeria) for the period under review and to report findings to the National Universities Commission (NUC).
This Procurement Audit is to identify and report on negligence in procurement management operations and decisions.
In addition numerous guidance, research papers and handbooks have been prepared by the Working Group/Task Forces of KSC.In the 2016 INCOSAI, a new Working group on Big Data was created under KSC and the Task force on Procurement contract audit was accorded a working group status as Working Group on Public Procurement Audit, thereby increasing the number of working groups under KSC to Eleven.
The project prioritizes reforms with the strongest commitment and a clear champion: notably PIM, Excise, Procurement, Audit and RTI.
As part of SCDOT’s Response to the Procurement Audit Report, Internal Audit Services agreed to perform an annual P-Card risk and control assessment.