Programme Resolution definition
Examples of Programme Resolution in a sentence
The quorum at any such meeting for passing a Programme Resolution is one or more persons holding or representing at least a clear majority of the aggregate Principal Amount Outstanding of the Covered Bonds of all Series for the time being outstanding or at any adjourned such meeting one or more persons holding or representing Covered Bonds whatever the nominal amount of the Covered Bonds of any Series so held or represented.
Any such meeting to consider a Programme Resolution may be convened by the Issuer, the Guarantor or the Bond Trustee or by holders of the Covered Bonds of any Series.
A Programme Resolution passed at any meeting of the holders of the Covered Bonds of all Series shall be binding on all holders of the Covered Bonds of all Series, whether or not they are present at the meeting, and on all related Receiptholders and Couponholders in respect of such Series of Covered Bonds.
Any such meeting to consider a Programme Resolution may be convened by the Issuer, the CBC or the Security Trustee or by Covered Bondholders of any Series.
A Programme Resolution passed at any meeting of the Covered Bondholders of all Series shall be binding on all Covered Bondholders of all Series, whether or not they are present at the meeting, and on all related Receiptholders and Couponholders in respect of such Covered Bonds.