PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION means a system of representation at Committees, Conferences, Executives or the like which, as far as practicable, will provide for voting on a basis which reflects the number or percentage of financial members, as calculated in accordance with these rules, that each person on such Committee, Conference, Executive or the like, represents.
PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION means a system of representation at Committees, Conferences,
PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION means representation of all parties in proportion to the number of votes received.


  • Both authors thank seminar participants at George Mason University for helpful comments and suggestions.CESifo Working Paper No. 650 January 2002 PLURALITY RULE, PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION, AND THE GERMAN BUNDESTAG: HOW INCENTIVES TO PORK-BARREL DIFFER ACROSS ELECTORAL SYSTEMS Abstract This paper examines the importance of electoral rules for legislators’ behavior.

  • SCHEDULE D - PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION In any election conducted in accordance with this Schedule the following provisions shall apply: 1.

  • I contend, on the basis of logic and the proceedings of the Committee to date, that there is no alternative to INTRODUCTION OF PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION into the Canadian Electoral System.

  • VOTE—Single transferable with proportional representation—See PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION.

  • See Clarence Gilbert, Hallett Hoag, & George Hervey Jr., PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION § 13 at 6 (1926).

  • USE OF PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION IS URGEDEach state Green Party is encouraged to select its delegates in a way that offers representation proportional to the support each tendency enjoys within the Party, parties or confederation of locals represented by the delegation, and that allows the delegation to truly reflect the diversity of people within the state.

  • A candidate may, by written notice, appoint a scrutineer to be present at any determination by lot and any counting of votes.SCHEDULE 2 PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION WITH THE SINGLE TRANSFERABLE VOTE METHOD OF COUNTING VOTES WHERE MORE THAN ONE POSITION IS TO BE FILLED 1.

  • As Ms Seymour submits, the entitlement to not use ‘Limited’ is a sign to the public that the company is not for profit, in other words that it cannot distribute its assets.

  • We recognize individual empowerment, full citizen participation, and PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION as the foundation of an effective and PLURALISTIC democracy.

  • APPENDIX IV THE FINLAND SYSTEM OF PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION The influence of the Belgian system--Schedules and "compacts" in place of lists--An election in Nyland--Returning officer’s task--The allotment of seats--Successful candidates in the Nyland election--Equitable results--Elector’s freedom of choice.


PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION means any proportional representation method of election authorized by this chapter.
PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION means a system of representation at Committees, Conferences, Executives or the like which, as far as practicable, will provide for voting on a basis which
PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION means that the number of teachers of color reflects the number of students of color.