Protected Category definition
Examples of Protected Category in a sentence
USATF will endeavor to notify the LOC within ten (10) days of any changes to its USATF Sponsor or Protected Category lists.
The written report will include a summary of the allegations, a description of the investigation, a description of the relevant information gathered, a determination of whether or not the incidents alleged occurred and the specific evidence to support this determination, and whether such incidents were based on a Protected Category.
In addition, Prohibited Conduct may occur between individuals with the same Protected Category or different Protected Categories.
Enhanced Disability Premium; Enhanced Pensioner Premium; ESA Support Component; ESA Work Component; Family Premium; Higher Pensioner Premium; Lone Parent Family Premium; Pensioner Premium; Severe Disability Premium; IB - ESA Transitional Protection; Nil Award Reason; Excess Income; Taper; Sanction; Weekly CTS; Total CTS; 2AR Discount; Protected Category; Restricted Category; Weekly Restriction; Total Restriction; Weekly Local Award; Total Local Award; Total Cts Award.
Individuals performing work for the District who perceive they are being treated disrespectfully or subjected to workplace harassment that is not based upon a Protected Category should report it to their site administrator.
Harassment based on a Protected Category by or of anyone conducting work or business for or with the District is strictly prohibited by law and a violation of this policy.
Harassment is defined at the University as unwelcome conduct or speech directed at an individual or group of individuals, based on a Protected Category, which is so severe or pervasive that it unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, terms of employment, educational program participation, or it creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for study, work, or social living.
PROHIBITED BEHAVIOR No employee shall, in the workplace or the course of his or her work duties, discriminate against a person due to membership in a Protected Category.
For more information about these categories of conduct, please see the full policy on the webpage for the Office of Equal Opportunity (OEO) ( Discrimination Based on a Protected Category: Discrimination Based on a Protected Category (discrimination) occurs when someone (or a group) is treated unfairly, less favorably and/or deprived access, benefits, or opportunities in education or employment based on membership in a Protected Category.
Atlantic County will not tolerate verbal or physical conduct by any employee that harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another’s work performance or that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment because of membership in a Protected Category.