Protective custody definition
Examples of Protective custody in a sentence
Protective custody is comprised of two large holding areas with restroom facilities, along with two smaller holding areas and two isolation rooms.
Protective custody is valid for 48 hours (excluding weekends and holidays), within which time a court hearing (shelter care) must be held.
Standard 115.43 Protective custody ☒ Exceeds Standard (substantially exceeds requirement of standard)☐ Meets Standard (substantial compliance; complies in all material ways with the standard for the relevant review period)☐ Does Not Meet Standard (requires corrective action)Auditor discussion, including the evidence relied upon in making the compliance or non-compliance determination, the auditor’s analysis and reasoning, and the auditor’s conclusions.
Transportation to another hospital due to a transfer is the responsibility of the community mental health services program.330.1427 Protective custody; observation and belief of peace officer; transportation to preadmission screening unit; services; notice to family; advice and consultation; release; follow-up counseling; diagnostic and referral services; financial responsibility; notice of examination results.
Protective custody at the request of law enforcement or human services for pets whose owners are incarcerated, injured in automobile accidents or hospitalized unexpectedly.2. We are an open admission shelter and do not charge any relinquishment fee.