Protective services definition
Examples of Protective services in a sentence
A covered entity may disclose protected health information to au- thorized federal officials for the con- duct of lawful intelligence, counter-in- telligence, and other national security activities authorized by the National Security Act (50 U.S.C. 401, et seq.) and implementing authority (e.g., Execu- tive Order 12333).(3) Protective services for the President and others.
Protective services shall be provided that are the least restrictive to personal freedom and ensure the maximum independence of individuals served.
Protective services for adults are those services or activities designed to prevent or remedy abuse, neglect or exploitation of adults who are unable to protect their own interests.
Protective services for children are those services or activities designed to prevent or remedy abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children who may be harmed through physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, and negligent treatment or maltreatment, including failure to be provided with adequate food, clothing, shelter, or medical care.
The amount required for routine maintenance of common property depends upon the type of common property included in the Development and the extent of the Authority’s responsibility for mainte- nance (see also section 9c);(5) Protective services.