Examples of Provisional Booking in a sentence
Please retain one copy with you and sign and return the other copy as a token of your acceptance alongwith the signed Agreement.Please note this Provisional Booking Letter will remain valid for 30 days within which time our standard format of the Agreement for Sale must be read and executed by you and sent alongwith Confirmation of their Booking Letter and 10% Booking amount.
If Provisional Booking Letter issued by Promoter is accepted by Applicant and Booking amount of 10% paid by cheque after 30 days , interest @SBI PLR +2% will be applicable on booking amount for the delay beyond 30 days.
By entering the sweepstakes, each entrant agrees to all of the terms and conditions of Sponsor’s Privacy Policy.
Please refer to your Quote, Provisional Booking and/or Booking Confirmation which will detail whether insurance is included in the package provided by us.
If Provisional Booking Letter issued by Promoter is accepted by Applicant and Booking amount of 10% paid by cheque after 30 days, interest @SBI PLR +2% will be applicable on booking amount and also on the payment due as per payment schedule (for the construction milestones already reached) for the delay beyond 30 days.