Examples of PSEM Act in a sentence
For the avoidance of doubt, the PSEM Act is not incorporated into the Agreement.
Long Service Leave will be utilised as detailed in By-law 8 of the PSEM Act.
Long Service Leave (LSL) will be utilised as detailed in By-law 8 of the PSEM Act.
The parties to this Agreement agree to utilise the PSCC established under the PSEM Act.
An employee who has a grievance about their treatment in employment can choose to have the decision reviewed in accordance with section 59 of the PSEM Act.
The parties acknowledge the long established and continuing role of the PSEM Act as an instrument regulating NTPS conditions of employment.
This Agreement will be read in conjunction with the PSEM Act and will prevail over the PSEM Act to the extent of any inconsistency.
Probation processes within PWC shall be in accordance with the PSEM Act, including a six month probationary period upon commencement of ongoing employment, with the option for PWC to extend this period by a further six months.
Where an employee is employed under two or more separate contracts of employment at the same time, as permitted under s 38A of the PSEM Act, and the employee requires parental leave under each contract, continuous service will be determined with respect to the total period of service with the employer.
Special leave without pay is not available for the purpose of engaging in employment outside the NTPS, except where approval has been given under section 61 of the PSEM Act.