Examples of Public Policy Requirements in a sentence
The ISO will coordinate with the ISO/RTO Regions to identify the consequences of a transmission solution driven by Public Policy Requirements on neighboring ISO/RTO Regions using the respective planning criteria of such ISO/RTO Regions.
The LTPP shall include a description of the needs addressed by the LTPP as well as the assumptions, applicable planning criteria and methodology utilized and the Public Policy Requirements considered.
The Transmission Owner, after considering the input provided by the NYDPS and any information provided by a market participant or other party, will determine whether there are transmission needs driven by Public Policy Requirements for which local transmission solutions should be evaluated.
Sections through provide for the identification of transmission needs driven by Public Policy Requirements and warranting evaluation by the ISO.
At the start of each cycle for the Public Policy Transmission Planning Process, the ISO will provide a 60-day period, which time period may be extended by the ISO pursuant to Section, to allow any stakeholders or interested parties to submit to the ISO, or for the ISO on its own initiative to identify, any proposed transmission need(s) that it believes are being driven by Public Policy Requirement(s) and for which transmission solutions should be requested and evaluated.
In evaluating potential transmission solutions, the Transmission Owner will give consideration to the objectives of the Public Policy Requirement(s) driving the need for transmission.
The ISO will transmit proposed transmission needs on a Transmission Owner’s local system driven by Public Policy Requirements to the NYDPS, with a request that the NYDPS review the proposals and provide the relevant Transmission Owner with input to assist the Transmission Owner in its determination.
If the NYPSC does not identify any transmission needs driven by Public Policy Requirements, it will provide confirmation of that conclusion to the ISO, and the ISO shall not request solutions.
Each submittal will identify the Public Policy Requirement(s) that the party believes is driving the need for transmission, propose criteria for the evaluation of transmission solutions to that need, and describe how the construction of transmission will fulfill the Public Policy Requirement(s).
The NYPSC shall issue a written statement that identifies the relevant Public Policy Requirements driving transmission needs and explains why it has identified the Public Policy Transmission Needs for which transmission solutions will be requested by the ISO.