Public Works Bond definition

Public Works Bond means a $30,000 form of security furnished by the Contractor and/or Subcontractor and Contractor’s and/or Subcontractor’s Surety to the Construction Contractors Board to pay claims ordered by the Bureau of Labor and Industries to workers performing labor under a public works project.

Examples of Public Works Bond in a sentence

  • PERFORMANCE, PAYMENT, AND PUBLIC WORKS BONDSIn addition to the required payment bond and performance bond, unless exempt under ORS 279C.836 (7), (8), or (9), the contractor is required to file a $30,000 Public Works Bond with the Construction Contractor’s Board to be used exclusively for unpaid wages determined to be due by BOLI.

  • The general contractor is required to verify that subcontractors, unless exempt, have filed a public works bond before permitting a subcontractor to start work on a project.The Statutory Public Works Bond form is available from BOLI upon request or may be downloaded from

  • I have provided the Board written verification of such certification and written notification of my election not to file the Public Works Bond.

  • I have filed with the Construction Contractors Board (“Board”), a Public Works Bond in the amount of $30,000 with a corporate surety authorized to do business in the State of Oregon.Yes No (Check one) 2.

  • This form must be submitted with the bid to demonstrate contractor’s awareness of and intended compliance with the requirement to file a Public Works Bond with the Construction Contractors Board prior to beginning work on the project if awarded the bid.

  • I understand that my election not to file the Public Works Bond will expire one year from the date it was filed and that a claim for unpaid wages may be filed against the payment bond I submitted on the Project.Yes No (Check one) 3.

  • I have elected not to file a Public Works Bond with the Board because I am a disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veteran or emerging small business enterprise certified under ORS 200.055.

  • Contractor shall file with the Construction Contractor's Board a Public Works Bond with a corporate surety authorized to do business in the State of Oregon in the amount of $30,000 prior to starting work on this contract unless otherwise exempt.

  • I also certify that before beginning any work on the Project, I will provide the City of Roseburg and the Construction Contractors Board written notice that I have elected not to file the Public Works Bond.

  • I further certify that before permitting a subcontractor to start work on the Project upon which I am submitting this bid, I will verify that the subcontractor has also filed such Public Works Bond or has elected not to file such bond as allowed by state law.

Related to Public Works Bond

  • public works contract means any agreement between any individual, firm or corporation and the State or any political subdivision of the State other than a municipality for construction, rehabilitation, conversion, extension, demolition or repair of a public building, highway or other changes or improvements in real property, or which is financed in whole or in part by the State, including, but not limited to, matching expenditures, grants, loans, insurance or guarantees.

  • Public works and “Building Services” - Definitions

  • Public works project means the erection, construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any public structure, building, road, or other public improvement of any kind.

  • Public Works Act means the Public Works Xxx 0000;

  • Public work means public work as defined in section 2 of P.L.1963, c.150 (C. 34:11-56.26) and which is subject to the provisions of P.L.1963, c.150 (C. 34:11-56.25 et seq.). Public work shall not include the provision of goods or products.

  • Public Works Director means the director of public works, or his or her designee.

  • Non-Public Works and Improvements means all competitively solicited procurement of Supplies and/or Services by the City not solicited as Public Works.

  • Public garage means a building or other place where vehicles or vessels are kept and stored and where a charge is made for the storage and keeping of vehicles and vessels.

  • Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database means the primary Government repository for Contractor information required for the conduct of business with the Government.

  • Procurement Code means §§ 13-1-28 to 13-1-199 NMSA 1978. “Public School Finance Act” means §§ 22-8-1 to 22-8-49 NMSA 1978. “Secretary” means the cabinet secretary of the Department.

  • Local public procurement unit means any political subdivision or unit thereof which expends public funds for the procurement of supplies, services, or construction.

  • Development regulations or "regulation" means the controls

  • Public work contract means a contract for constructing, altering, or repairing a public building or carrying out or completing any pub- lic work. Gov’t Code 2253.001(4)

  • Public water system means a system for the provision of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances that has 15 or more service connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year.

  • Public Way means the surface of, and the space above and below, any public street, highway, freeway, bridge, land path, alley, court, boulevard, sidewalk, way, lane, public way, drive, circle or other public right-of-way, including, but not limited to, public utility easements, dedicated utility strips, or easements dedicated for compatible uses and any temporary or permanent fixtures or improvements located thereon now or hereafter held by the Franchising Authority in the Franchise Area, which shall entitle the Franchising Authority and the Grantee to the use thereof for the purpose of installing, operating, repairing, and maintaining the Cable System. Public Way shall also mean any easement now or hereafter held by the Franchising Authority within the Franchise Area for the purpose of public travel, or for utility or public service use dedicated for compatible uses, and shall include other easements or rights-of-way as shall within their proper use and meaning entitle the Franchising Authority and the Grantee to the use thereof for the purposes of installing, operating, and maintaining the Grantee’s Cable System over poles, wires, cables, conductors, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, attachments, and other property as may be ordinarily necessary and pertinent to the Cable System.

  • Procurement Regulations means, for purposes of paragraph 85 of the Appendix to the General Conditions, the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers”, dated November 2020.

  • Public water supply system means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if the system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves at least twenty-five individuals. The term includes any source of water and any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in connection with the system, and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with the system.

  • Registered Clubs Act means the Registered Clubs Act 1976 and any regulation made under the Registered Clubs Act 1976. Any reference to a provision of the Registered Clubs Act includes a reference to the same or similar provision in any legislation replacing, amending or modifying the Registered Clubs Act however that provision may be amended in that legislation.

  • Public Areas shall include, but not be limited to, public or common rooms, waiting rooms, lobbies and public meeting rooms, or other similar areas which are open to the general public.

  • Public use means a publicly owned project or a privately owned project that is available for use by the public.

  • public water means any river, watercourse, bay, estuary, the sea and any other water to which the public has the right of use or to which the public has the right of access;

  • Maintenance Supervisor (Tradesperson) means an employee who has trade qualifications and has overall responsibility for maintenance at the place of employment and may be required to supervise other maintenance staff.

  • Public Procurement means the acquisition by any means of goods, works or services by the government;

  • Temporary clean coal technology demonstration project means a clean coal technology demonstration project that is operated for a period of five years or less and that complies with the SIP and other requirements necessary to attain and maintain the national ambient air quality standards during the project and after the project is terminated.

  • Public area means any portion of a state or municipal building that is open to and accessible by the public or which is otherwise designated as a public area by the governing body or the chief administrative officer, if no governing body exists, of such building.

  • Public aircraft means an aircraft used exclusively in the service of any government or of any political subdivision thereof, including the government of any state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, but not including any government-owned aircraft engaged in carrying persons or property for commercial purposes.