Examples of Qualified Investment Project in a sentence
All Zone Developers, who intend to invest in the development a Special Economic Zone shall submit a request for approval for the development of the zone to the Cambodian Special Economic Zones Board and be registered as Qualified Investment Project.
If a foreign investor seeks investment incentives as a Qualified Investment Project, he/she must register and receive approval from the Council for the Development of Cambodia or the Provincial-Municipal Investment Sub-Committee.
The Council for Development of Cambodia shall upon receipt of a request for a Qualified Investment Project to be implemented under a Concession Contract from a selected Concessionaire: a- Approve all investment incentives the Concessionaire is entitled to according to the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia; b- Specify all Authorisations required to be obtained for the Concession Project, the competent institutions responsible for the issuance of the Authorisations.
By regulation, the SEZ developer are required to have at least 50 hectares of land, and responsible for establishing roads, electricity and water supply to serve the operations of firms operating in SEZs. A firm investing and operating in an SEZ must first obtain government approval as a Qualified Investment Project (QIP), which requires that the firm have a minimum of US$500,000 fixed assets.
Supporting Information.The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01284.
Provided no election is made, the Benefit Period Commencement Date will be the date of EZ certification at the location of the Qualified Investment Project.
LATEST INVESTMENT REGULATIONS IN CAMBODIA SINCE 2000-2003: Cambodia has approved the Law on the Amendment to the Law on Investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia on 3 February 2003, which governs all Qualified Investment Projects (QIP) and defines procedures by which any person establishes a Qualified Investment Project.
The Benefit Period Commencement Date is either: (i) the date of EZ certification at the location ofthe Qualified Investment Project, or (ii) the date when property constituting a Qualified Investment Project is first placed in service.
The student will develop a better understanding of both the benefits and limits of sociology, psychology and anthropology.
A better way for providing incentives should be considered on project based, e.g. Qualified Investment Project (QIP).SESSION 4: SEZ DEVELOPMENT AND OSS MODEL Dr. Jayant Menon, Lead Economist, Trade and Regional Cooperation, Asian Development Bank (ADB)SEZ Development and OSS Model, including types of SEZs, border and non-border SEZs on GMS corridors, roles of OSS, services offered by the OSS, potential impacts and challenges in implementing OSS, and conclusion of the session were introduced.