Examples of Qualified Medical Personnel in a sentence
Request, Response and Documentation Designation of Qualified Medical Personnel 1.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing shall prohibit OB Nurses or unsupervised members of the Residency Staff from performing, as Qualified Medical Personnel, labor checks on pregnant women experiencing contractions who present to the Hospital Obstetrics Department.
Finally, although PARSEC-MPC and HOV cannot reproduce the highest observed∆П1, their main peaks agree with the observed one within 1–2 bins resolution.∼In the observed distribution of ∆П1(see Fig.
Qualified Medical Personnel: As applicable to ECAG, the term "qualified medical personnel" is intentionally broad, but at a minimum means an individual trained to respond quickly to emergency situations regarding medical issues, traumatic injuries and accident scenes, can administer CPR and utilize a defibrillator.
APPENDIX D AUTHORIZED QUALIFIED MEDICAL PERSONNEL Individuals who are authorized to perform medical screening examinations are set forth in the Administrative – Patient Care policy entitled EMTALA Qualified Medical Personnel.
A MSE will be performed by Qualified Medical Personnel (QMP) acting within the scope of his/her practice, as determined by the Hospital in its medical staff bylaws or rules and regulations.
If the attending physician must briefly step away, coverage for emergency situations will be provided by a Qualified Medical Personnel (Resident, Fellow or APP).
The Hospital shall separately identify any special training or experience required as a prerequisite to being identified as Qualified Medical Personnel.
Medical Executive Committee approved Qualified Medical Personnel include: a.
To establish standards for qualifications of physicians and any other health care profession as Qualified Medical Personnel for the Emergency Department, the Labor and Delivery Department, and other relevant areas of the Health Center, authorized to determine whether or not an emergency medical condition exists for the purposes of compliance with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act and to approve the designation of individuals as Qualified Medical Personnel who meet such standards.