Examples of Quality improvement program in a sentence
Quality improvement program not only emphasize the commitment of top management, but also employee involvement, and other TQM practices dimensions.
Quality improvement program to reduce the prevalence of pressure ulcers in an intensive care unit.
Note that this includes the startup, shutdown, and malfunction plan specified in § 65.6.(3) Owners or operators routing emissions from equipment leaks to a fuel gas system or process shall comply with the provisions of § 65.142(d), except as provided in § 65.102(b).§ 65.116 Quality improvement program for pumps.(a) Criteria.
In the nine months ended 30 September 2009, turnover increased 7.6 per cent.
Quality improvement program - The Contractor shall establish a comprehensive emergency medical services system quality improvement (QI) program meeting the requirements of California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 12 (EMS System Quality Improvement) and related guidelines.