Quarterly Progress Report definition

Quarterly Progress Report means the report on participant activity and characteristics submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor from information gathered from the subproject sponsors at the end of every three-month period during the fiscal year.
Quarterly Progress Report means the report similar in form and content attached hereto as Exhibit F, as may be modified from time to time to meet applicable CPUC requirements.
Quarterly Progress Report means a written form or other document determined by the Office to indicate and report the operational and financial activity of the recipient during the time period specified.

Examples of Quarterly Progress Report in a sentence

  • In lieu of an Annual Program Plan describing implementation plans for the first Fiscal Year of the Term, each Party will provide, as part of its first Quarterly Progress Report, a summary of Program implementation efforts underway and planned for the balance of that Fiscal Year, including any Additional Program Funding Orders signed between the Parties.

  • Beginning at the end of the first Fiscal Year quarter after the Effective Date, and no later than 45 days after the end of each Fiscal Year quarter, each Party will prepare a Quarterly Progress Report and provide that report to the SOC and the other Party.

  • These reports, which will describe progress made on program objectives and include required data, shall be submitted according to the following schedule: Quarterly Progress Report Periods Due no later than: 1.

  • The Parties will develop and maintain a publicly accessible dashboard showing quarterly updates and progress toward the outcomes identified in this Agreement and outlined in the established Quarterly Progress Report.

More Definitions of Quarterly Progress Report

Quarterly Progress Report. (SIP) means the report on enrollee activity and characteristics sub- mitted to the Department of Labor from information gathered from the subprojects at the end of every three-month period during the fiscal year.
Quarterly Progress Report means the report prepared by each Party and presented to the other Party on a quarterly basis, as set forth in Section 6.3.
Quarterly Progress Report shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.2.2.
Quarterly Progress Report means a progress report which is submitted within two (2) weeks after the last calendar day of the Quarterly Reporting Segment; Квартални извештај о напретку значи квартални извештај о напретку који се подноси у року од две (2) недеље након последњег календарског дана Кварталног сегмента извештавања; Refund means the Company’s obligation to return all or any part of the amount disbursed by the Fund due to any Breach of this Agreement or the Termination of this Agreement. Повраћај средстава значи обавеза Привредног друштва да изврши повраћај целокупног износа или дела износа исплаћеног од стране Фонда, услед било које Повреде или Раскида овог уговора; Revenue means total income (and not just the profits) derived from the Product Sale and/or revenue derived from licensing of the Приход значи укупан приход (и не само профит) који произилази из Продаје производа и/или прихода који потичу од Product; лиценцирања Производа; Royalty means payments that the Company shall be responsible for, if the Project is successful, based on the Revenue derived from any commercialization of the Product and licensing of the Product to a third party, including proceeds derived from the outright sale of the Product or the Company to a third party; Ројалти значи ројалти исплате за које одговара Привредно друштво, ако Пројекат буде успешан, на основу Прихода који проистекне од било какве комерцијализације Производа и лиценцирања Производа трећем лицу, укључујући средства од директне продаје Производа или Привредног друштва трећој страни; RSD means Dinar, official currency of the Republic of Serbia; Динар значи динар, званична валута Републике Србије; Schedule of Payments means the timeline defining dates and amounts of payments to be disbursed to the dedicated account by the Company and subsequently by the Fund; Распоред плаћања значи временски рок који дефинише датуме и износе плаћања која треба да буду уплаћена на Наменски рачун Пројекта од стране Привредног друштва и накнадно од стране Фонда; State Aid means assets which do not originate from private ownership, and particularly the assets which were directly or indirectly received from the budget of the Republic of Serbia, from legal entities and institutions financed Државна помоћ значи имовина која не потиче из приватног власништва, а нарочито имовина која је директно или индиректно примљена из буџета Републике Србије, од правних лица и институција које се финансирају or managed by the Republic of Serbia or its bodies, assets ...
Quarterly Progress Report has the meaning set forth in Section 3.19B.2.
Quarterly Progress Report means the written status report that Fort Gay shall submit on its progress implementing the Consent Decree for quarterly review each year.
Quarterly Progress Report means the report to be furnished by the real estate agent indicating the names and addresses of the sellers and purchasers of the plots and apartments and dates of execution of conveyance deeds in the real estate projects, in the relevant quarter e. 1st April to 30th June, 1st July to 30th September, 1st October to 31st December and 1st January to 31st March of a financial year, to ensure that all compliances as required under the Act, Rules and Regulations are being adhered to.