RAC definition

RAC. / “we”/ “us”/ “our” means RAC Motoring Services and any person employed or engaged to provide services on their behalf;
RAC means reference air concentration, the acceptable ambient level for the noncarcinogenic metals for purposes of this Subpart. RACs are specified in Appendix D.
RAC means RAC Motoring Services and/or RAC Insurance Limited.

Examples of RAC in a sentence

  • The RAC factor shall be recovered through, and as part of, the Societal Benefits Clause, Rider “E” to this Tariff.

  • RIDER “G”REMEDIATION ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE (RAC) APPLICABLE TO: Rider “E” - Societal Benefits Clause Ninety days prior to November 1 of each year, the Company shall file with the Board of Public Utilities a Remediation Adjustment Clause (RAC) factor based on remediation costs and third party expenses/claims in the preceding Remediation Year.

  • Ensure that the RAC Chair, or a RAC Executive Board member, and the person completing the Supporting Documentation Reports submitted to DSHS attend any scheduled meetings with the DSHS Program and CMS staff regarding the review of regional systems development activities and contractual requirements.

  • If a clinical protocol has been reviewed by an institutional biosafety committee (IBC) or the NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC), the Contractor must provide information about the initial and ongoing review and approval, if any.

  • The RAC Chair or an Executive Board member is required to attend mandatory meetings scheduled by DSHS.

More Definitions of RAC

RAC means a check issued by the RAL Originator and delivered to a taxpayer pursuant to a Refund Anticipation Check Service.
RAC means a rating action commentary.
RAC means The Royal Automobile Club of W.A. (Inc), RACWA Holdings Pty Ltd (ACN 008 985 877), and their subsidiaries and Related Bodies Corporate as defined in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and includes their officers, employees and agents.
RAC means Rent-A-Center, Inc., a corporation organized, existing, and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Delaware, with its principal address at 5501 Headquarters Drive, Plano, Texas 75024.
RAC means the RAs coordination;
RAC. Raytheon Aircraft Company, a Kansas corporation and an Affiliate of Raytheon Credit.