Examples of Radiation incident in a sentence
Radiation incident – any unplanned incident caused by an operator’s error, equipment failure; pre-emergency situation, a lost radioactive source, any unauthorised act, either premeditated or inadvertent, the consequences of which cannot be ignored in terms of nuclear and radiation protection and safety.
Any Radiation incident resulting in or having a potential to result in exposures and/or contamination of the workers public or environment in excess of the respective permissible limit can lead to a nuclear/radiological emergency.In case of Theft/Loss of Radioactive source from the institution/industrial unit/hospital premises/during transportation, it would normally be noticed first by the field person responsible for handling the same.
MAXIMUM ZONE LIMITS for Radiation incident with LIFE SAFETYCOLD ZONEWARM ZONEHOT ZONEABSOLUTE TURN BACK<2X background (50uR/hr)2mR-500mR/hr500mR/hr1R/hr ● The maximum zone limits are to be utilized in a radiation event that has life safety concerns.
The first version of the SAT-based attack on cyclic logic locking (i.e. CycSAT-I [16]) can be as easy as the attack on acyclic one if there exists a correct key under which the circuit is acyclic.
Radiation incident reporting instructions must be included in the unit’s health and safety briefing for newcomers expected to work in workplaces dealing with RAM or RPD to ensure all personnel are aware of reporting requirements.
The conversion efficiency of a solar cell is defined as the ratio of thc maximum output power (Prna,)delivered by the cell to the input po~"er (P;nl received by it at a given temperature (T) and denoted by - P"""AE)where A = Area of the cell (mlE = Radiation incident per unit area of the cell (watt/m").
Radiation incident - an unplanned event caused by an operator's error, device malfunction; Pre-accident situation, loss of radioactive source, unauthorized action, both intentional and unintentional, the consequences of which cannot be ignored from the point of view of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety.
The Self Sufficiency Standard for Pennsylvania includes the following expenses:• Housing costs (Rent/utilities)• Child care (full‐time family are for infancies, full‐time center care for preschoolers, before and after school care for school age children)• Food (food for home preparation only, does not include take‐out or restaurant meals)• Transportation (the cost of owning a car (per adult) – insurance, gas, oil, registration, etc.
Radiation incident on the detectors heats up the absorption region and results in temperature gradient, which is converted into a voltage.
Radiation incident – any unplanned event caused by an operator’s error, equipment failure; pre- accident situation, loss of radioactive source, any unauthorised act, either premeditated or inadvertent, the consequences of which cannot be ignored in terms of radiation protection and safety.