Examples of Radiation Safety Program in a sentence
A primary purpose of the Radiation Safety Program is to assure that exposure of workers to radiation and radioactive materials is kept ALARA.
Individuals Responsible for Radiation Safety Program All licensees must have a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) or Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) designated by and responsible to the corporation's management for the coordination of the radiation protection program.
Any appropriate changes to the Radiation Safety Program will be promptly implemented.
Though not all modules were completed on an annual basis the review team considered the Division’s practice of having health physics inspectors at the EnergySolutions disposal facility nearly weekly and concluded that adequate oversight of facility operations and the Radiation Safety Program was occurring.
The council is the advisory body to the ACOM, ASCC, DRU, and ARNG commander/IMCOM director that provides recommendations for radiation safety directives and gathers and disseminates information about the status of the Radiation Safety Program.
The RSO has the responsibility to monitor the Radiation Safety Program to ensure that exposures are as low as reasonably achievable, and to search for new and better ways to perform jobs with less exposure.
The Radiation Safety Program (see Appendix H) provides for the safety of personnel, students and the public during operations involving radioactive materials and ionizing, radiation sources.
The Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) meets at least quarterly to review the performance of the Radiation Safety Program and discuss issues relating to the safe and regulatory-compliant use of radiation and radioactive materials at James Madison University.
Radiation Safety Officers establish the requirements for the use of radioactive materials and radiation producing devices and administer the Radiation Safety Program for their respective campus(es).
The Radiation Safety Program (RSP) is managed in a tiered approach.