Rail Head definition
Examples of Rail Head in a sentence
Administration or the Office of Philanthropy, upon the patient’s permission, can visit the patient.CATEGORY: PRIVACY AND SECURITY OF INFORMATION CODE: E-16.A RESOURCESPAGE: 2 of 2SUBJECT: FUNDRAISING POLICY RELATED GUIDANCE 2.
The Executive Engineer, JDA Division No. I Rail Head Complex, Jammu also reserves the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tenders received and the tenderers shall be bound to perform the same at the quoted rates.
ConnectivityRoad: SEZ is on 6 lane State Highway connecting of Bharuch (50 Kms) with National Highway No. 8Rail: 50 kms from Bharuch, Main Rail Head connecting Mumbai - Delhi.Port: GCPTCL for chemical cargo and Adani-Petro LNG for solid bulk cargo handling.Airport: Baroda-140 kms and Surat-120 kms (Daily flights to Mumbai & Delhi).
The acceptance / approval of the tender will rest with the Executive Engineer, JDA Division No. I Rail Head Complex, Jammu who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any reason(s).Conditional tenders shall be out rightly rejected.
Source DistrictN.B. 30% stock of each rake load at the receiving Rail Head shall be delivered at RRC, Mancheswar & 30% stock of each rake load at PEG (Mulajhari), Tangi and balance 40% stock shall be delivered at CWC (PEG) Jatni. In case the stock is transported from receiving Railhead to other RRCs of the district basing on the requirement under PDS, the rate shall be finalized on negotiation.
Haul Road & Rail Head Operations Construction of the 23km haul road is underway.
Figure 52: Flattened Rail Head Showing Displacement of Parent Metal (Spalling)Note: It is the responsibility of the rail flaw detector car operator to properly identify the types of rail head surface conditions that can result in an improper or invalid test of the rail section in which the condition is contained.
I submit the Online Tender for appointment as Handling & Transport Contractor as mentioned in the NIT from all the storage points as mentioned in the NIT and other storage points for which rates will be fixed by the corporation under Part I(7) of the MTF to Rail Head as mentioned in the NIT.
Jammu Duration of the Project – 75 days Date, Time and Venue of Pre-Proposal Conference Date: 28-09-2017 Time: 15.00 Hrs Venue: Office of Chief Engineer, PW (R&B) Department, Jammu Lok Nirman Bhawan, Rail Head Complex, Jammu.
Track gage and train balance must be maintained within specified Rail Head tolerances for safe train passage.