Examples of Railway Equipment in a sentence
ITEM 4080 INCORPORATION OF DOCUMENTS:Prices subject to the rules and conditions of the Railway Equipment Register, STCC 6001, OPSL 6000, UFC 6000.
The hourly and mileage rates in effect on December 31, 1990, as published in Association of American Railroads Circular No. OT–10 found in the information section of tar- iff STB RER 6411–U known as the Offi- cial Railway Equipment Register.
CAPACITIES AND DIMENSIONS OF CARS 30 For marked capacities, lengths, dimensions and cubical capacities of cars, see The Official Railway Equipment Register.
For marked capacities, lengths, dimensions and cubical capacities of cars, see Official Railway Equipment Register (RER) 6413 - series.
ITEM 1060 - CAPACITIES AND DIMENSIONS OF CARSFor marked capacities, lengths, dimensions and cubical capacities of cars, see Official Railway Equipment Register (RER 6413- series).
Rail cars bearing mechanical designation "FW" or "FWS" or any capacity, and cars of designation "FM" of 200,000 pounds and over nominal capacity; or mechanical designation "FD" or "FDS" on rail cars as named in normal capacity the Official Railway Equipment Register, RER 6414-series or any other specialty rail car (wide, high, or heavy capacity rail car).
When crossing tracks, Contractor Personnel shall ensure a minimum of 50 feet (approximately 15 metres) separation between standing Railway Equipment, stay at least 15 feet away from the end of the nearest equipment, and look both ways before crossing tracks, and if clear, walk at a right angle to the tracks.
Unless otherwise indicated by the Manager In Charge, proper protection against the movement of trains, rolling stock and other Railway Equipment shall be deemed required at all times whenever Work or Contractor Personnel must be within 50 feet (approximately 15 metres) of the closet track centerline.
Contractor Personnel shall at all times remain alert to the movement of trains, rolling stock and other Railway Equipment.
Boxcars designated "XM” in the Official Railway Equipment Register publication and other non-assigned, free-running specially-equipped boxcars subject to AAR Car Service Directive 150 may also be used for the return transportation of empty shipping containers or devices, subject to the same conditions as apply to assigned boxcars, provided the shipper furnished shipping instructions prior to such car being pulled from the siding.