Reassignment definition

Reassignment shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.10.
Reassignment means the change, without further examination, of a permanent employee from one position to another similar position under the jurisdiction of the same appointing authority.
Reassignment means moving an employee: (1) to a position in the same broadband level and same maximum salary but with different duties; (2) to a position in the same broadband level and same maximum salary, regardless of the duties, but to a different agency; or (3) to a position in a different broadband level having the same maximum salary. Upon a reassignment appointment, the employee shall be given probationary status. If the reassignment appointment is in conjunction with a legislatively mandated transfer of the position, the employee retains the status held in the position unless the legislature directs otherwise.

Examples of Reassignment in a sentence

  • Reassignment is a change of teaching assignment, such as grade level, subject (e.g. English to mathematics), or change from a specialized site-based assignment (e.g. media specialist to classroom teacher) at the same worksite.

More Definitions of Reassignment

Reassignment means moving an employee: (1) to a position in the same broadband level and same maximum salary but with different duties; (2) to a position in the same broadband level and same maximum salary, regardless of the duties, but to a different agency; or (3) to a position in a different broadband level having the same maximum
Reassignment shall have the meaning specified in subsection 2.07(b)(ii).
Reassignment means an employee's assignment to another occupation and/or another work location within the employee's headquarters, or in the case of an employee in Toronto or Montreal, within his headquarters and within a 20 airline km radius from his reporting centre.
Reassignment means the management-directed movement of an employee between two (2) positions in the same class and agency.
Reassignment means the moving of an employee from a position in a broadband level to a different position in the same broadband level or to a different broadband level having the same maximum salary and shall be treated as an original appointment.
Reassignment means a change of an employee, while serving continu- ously within the same agency, from one position to another without pro- motion or demotion.
Reassignment means the change within the same department of a probationary or permanent employee from a position in one job to another position in a different job, both jobs of which have the same maximum rate of pay.