REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the Business Systems Sales-out Rebate Program is * of Qualified Sales for the January - June, 1997 Semester.
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the Total Sales-out Rebate Program is * of Qualified Sales for the July - December, 1996 Semester. CUSTOMER's Total Sales-out Rebate Program goals are as follows:
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the Open License Sales-out Rebate Program is * of Qualified Sales for the July - December, 1996 Semester. CUSTOMER's Open License Sales-out Rebate Program goals are as follows:
More Definitions of REBATE PERCENTAGES
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible rebate percentage achievable for the Enterprise Rebate Program is of Qualified Select Sales for the July - December, 1995 semester.
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the Total Sales-out Rebate Program is * of Qualified Sales for the January - June, 1997 Semester. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32 BIT OFFICE SALES-OUT REBATE PROGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REBATE PERCENTAGES: The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the 32 Bit Office Sales-out Rebate Program is * of Qualified Sales for the January - June, 1997 Semester. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUSINESS SYSTEMS SALES-OUT REBATE PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible rebate percentage achievable for the Office Sales-out Rebate Program is * of Qualified Sales for the January - June, 1996 semester. CUSTOMER's Office Sales-out Rebate Program goals are as follows:
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible rebate percentage achievable for the Maintenance Rebate Program is [ * ] of Qualified Select Sales for the July - December, 1995 semester. GOAL DEFINITIONS: The program goals are based upon the following: - Existing Maintenance revenue percentage of total Select revenue. - Microsoft's Maintenance revenue goals. REBATE GOALS: CUSTOMER's achievement against the Maintenance goal will be based on CUSTOMER's Select Maintenance revenue percentage of CUSTOMER's total Select revenue. CUSTOMER has a first quarter rebate goal and a total semester rebate goal. CUSTOMER's performance for the first three months of the July - December, 1995 semester will be measured against the first quarter rebate goal. At the end of the first quarter, CUSTOMER will receive the percentage of the eligible rebate based on performance against the first quarter goal. At the end of the semester, * CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUESTED MICROSOFT 1995/1996 CHANNEL AGREEMENT PAGE A5 LARGE ACCOUNT RESELLER REBATE ADDENDUM JULY - DECEMBER, 1995 CUSTOMER will be measured on their six-month performance against the total semester goal. Even if CUSTOMER does not meet 100% of the first quarter goal, CUSTOMER can still achieve 100% of the semester goal provided that the semester goal is met at the end of the six-month period. CUSTOMER's Maintenance Rebate Program goals are as follows: - Quarter 1 Goal (July - September, 1995): [ * ] - Semester Goal (July - December, 1995): [ * ] PAYMENT: CUSTOMER will be paid a Maintenance rebate based on performance against the semester goal at the end of the semester. If CUSTOMER achieves greater than eighty percent (80%) of the semester Maintenance rebate goal, CUSTOMER will receive the exact achieved percentage of the eligible Maintenance rebate up to one hundred percent (100%). If CUSTOMER achieves less than eighty percent (80%) of the Maintenance rebate goal, CUSTOMER will not receive any portion of the Maintenance rebate. The purpose of this scale is to offer an incentive for accounts to meet a portion of their goal in the event they cannot achieve the full Microsoft Maintenance goal. Although Microsoft pays the rebate ultimately based on performance against the semester goal, Microsoft pays a rebate at the end of the first quarter based on performance against the first quarter goal. Microsoft pays a portion of the rebate after the first quarter as an incentive for CUSTOMER to focus on the Maintenance rebate program throughout the entire semester....
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the Total Sales-out Rebate Program is [*] percent [*] of Qualified Sales for the July - December, 1996 Semester. CUSTOMER's Total Sales-out Rebate Program goals are as follows: - Quarter 1 Goal (July - September, 1996): [*] - Semester Goal (July - December, 1996): [*] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESKTOP APPLICATIONS DIVISION SALES-OUT REBATE PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the Desktop Applications Division Sales-out Rebate program is [*] percent [*] of Qualified Sales for the July - December, 1996 Semester. CUSTOMER's Desktop Applications Division Sales-out Rebate Program goals are as follows: - Quarter 1 Goal (July - September, 1996): [*] - Semester Goal (July - December, 1996): [*] * Confidential Treatment Requested AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO THE REBATE AND MARKETING FUND ADDENDUM TO THE MICROSOFT 1995/1996 CHANNEL AGREEMENT PAGE K6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERACTIVE MEDIA DIVISION (IMD) SALES-OUT REBATE PROGRAM --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REBATE PERCENTAGES. The total possible Rebate percentage achievable for the Interactive Media Division Sales-out Rebate Program is [*] percent [*] of Qualified Sales for the July - December, 1996 Semester. CUSTOMER's Interactive Media Division Sales-out Rebate Program goals are as follows: - Quarter 1 Goal (July - September, 1996): [*] - Semester Goal (July - December, 1996): [*] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INVENTORY MANAGEMENT REBATE PROGRAM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: The objective of the Inventory Management Rebate Program is to provide an incentive to Partners to manage inventory so that the CUSTOMER's top twenty (20) SKUs are [*] percent [*] in-stock and on outlet shelves at all times.