Reclamation Costs definition

Reclamation Costs means the sum of Pre-2017YE Reclamation Liability Costs and Post-2017YE Reclamation Liability Costs; Reclamation Costs do not include CCR Disposal Costs and other costs such as coal supply that may be incurred by SJCC.
Reclamation Costs means obligations assumed by CPE LLC as part of the liabilities assumed (pursuant to Treasury Regulation 1.752-1(a)(4)(ii)) that may not be accrued for U.S. federal income tax purposes as they fail to meet the all events and economic performance requirements of Treasury Regulation 1.446-1(c)(1)(ii) and Treasury Regulation 1.461-1(a)(2) as of the date of this Agreement, and which are added to the tax basis of the Adjustable Assets when they are paid or otherwise meet the all events and economic performance tests (see Treasury Regulation 1.461-4). For this purpose, the obligation assumed by the Buyer or CPE LLC for the closure of the mines is assumed to meet the all events and economic performance tests when the mines are closed. The current cost to reclaim acreage disturbed as of the transaction date is assumed to meet the all events and economic performance tests as those acres are reclaimed.
Reclamation Costs means the reasonable costs actually incurred in the reclamation of a well or facility and includes such costs associated with assessment for the purpose of applying for a reclamation certificate under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act;

Examples of Reclamation Costs in a sentence

  • Land Reclamation Costs During the course of acquiring and exploring potential mineral properties, the Company must comply with government regulated environment evaluation, updating and reclamation requirements.

  • Reclamation Costs The Company's activities are primarily focused on exploration directed toward the discovery of mineral resources.

  • The Board will review the Updated Mine Reclamation Costs and Updated Reclamation Status Report and determine the extent to which the reclamation work has reduced the estimated cost of the closure and reclamation work remaining.

  • The removal of the Pipeline and the related Reclamation and Reclamation Costs shall be the Pipeline Company’s responsibility and shall be completed within one-hundred eighty (180) days from the date of abandonment or discontinuation of use unless a Property Owner agrees to extend the date of removal.

  • See " Further Information Regarding Abandonment and Reclamation Costs".

  • AND GAS INFORMATIONItem 6.1 Oil and Gas Properties and WellsItem 6.2 Properties With No Attributed ReservesItem 6.3 Forward ContractsItem 6.4 Additional Information Concerning Abandonment and Reclamation Costs Item 6.5 Tax HorizonItem 6.6 Costs IncurredItem 6.7 Exploration and Development Activities Item 6.8 Production EstimatesItem 6.9 Production History This is the form referred to in item 1 of section 2.1 of National Instrument 51-101Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101").

  • The revised definition: • prescribes the deduction of "well abandonment costs" (a newly-defined term) rather than total abandonment and reclamation costs (see the discussion below under "Abandonment and Reclamation Costs"); and • contemplates exceptions to the general principle that future income tax expenses are deducted in estimating future net revenue (there are several instances in which the Instrument refers specifically to "future net revenue before deducting future income tax expenses").

  • Reclamation Costs ............................................................................................................

  • AND GAS INFORMATIONItem 6.1 Oil and Gas Properties and WellsItem 6.2 Properties With No Attributed ReservesItem 6.3 Forward ContractsItem 6.4 Additional Information Concerning Abandonment and Reclamation Costs Item 6.5 Tax HorizonItem 6.6 Costs IncurredItem 6.7 Exploration and Development Activities Item 6.8 Production EstimatesItem 6.9 Production History This is the form referred to in item 1 of section 2.1 of National Instrument 51-101 Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51-101").

  • Based on the Permittee’s current mining plan, the total of Reclamation Costs plus Long Term Costs for MY1 and MY2 are expected to be $544,000,000 and $588,000,000, respectively.

More Definitions of Reclamation Costs

Reclamation Costs means the costs of performing Reclamation as required by a Reclamation Plan, but excluding the following:
Reclamation Costs means all costs, other than abandonment costs, associated with restoring land as close as possible to its original state or to a standard prescribed or imposed by a government or regulatory authority;”;
Reclamation Costs means all costs associated with Reclamation of Mining Activities
Reclamation Costs means obligations assumed by CPE LLC as part of the liabilities assumed (pursuant to Treasury Regulation ) that may not be accrued for U.S. federal income tax purposes as they fail to meet the all events and economic performance requirements of Treasury Regulation 1.446-1(c)(1)(ii) and Treasury Regulation 1.461-1(a)(2) as of the date of this Agreement, and which are added to the tax basis of the Adjustable Assets when they are paid or otherwise meet the all events and economic performance tests (see Treasury Regulation ). For this purpose, the obligation assumed by the Buyer or CPE LLC for the closure of the mines is assumed to meet the all events and economic performance tests when the mines are closed. The current cost to reclaim acreage disturbed as of the transaction date is assumed to meet the all events and economic performance tests as those acres are reclaimed.

Related to Reclamation Costs

  • Transportation Costs means a component of the Charges, comprising those charges payable to the TNO and/or DNO for the use of their networks as applicable from time to time under the Industry Agreements including those charges more specifically referred to as “DUoS” and “TNUoS” and specified as “Included in the Unit Rate”, “Fixed” or “Pass-Through” in the Quotation Document or as otherwise notified to you as payable during the Supply Contract from time to time;

  • Remediation Costs means the cost of any action taken to reduce the concentration of contaminants on, in or under the Eligible Property to permit a record of site condition to be filed in the Environmental Site Registry under section 168.4 of the Environmental Protection Act and the cost of complying with any certificate of property use issued under section 168.6 of the Environmental Protection Act, as further specified in the CIP.

  • Exploration Costs means costs incurred in identifying areas that may warrant examination and in examining specific areas that are considered to have prospects that may contain oil and gas reserves, including costs of drilling exploratory wells and exploratory type stratigraphic test wells. Exploration costs may be incurred both before acquiring the related property and after acquiring the property. Exploration costs, which include applicable operating costs of support equipment and facilities and other costs of exploration activities, are:

  • Production Costs means those costs and expenditures incurred in carrying out Production Operations as classified and defined in Section 2 of the Accounting Procedure and allowed to be recovered in terms of Section 3 thereof.

  • Construction Costs means land costs, all costs paid to construct and complete the Improvements, as specified on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof.

  • Transition Costs means the reasonable costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees but excluding overhead) incurred or payable by the Successor Servicer in connection with the transfer of servicing (whether due to termination, resignation or otherwise), including allowable compensation of employees and overhead costs incurred or payable in connection with the transfer of the Receivable Files or any amendment to the Sale and Servicing Agreement required in connection with the transfer of servicing.

  • Litigation Costs means all reasonable costs, charges, expenses, including attorneys', accountants' and expert witnesses' fees, and obligations paid or incurred in connection with investigating, defending (including affirmative defenses and counterclaims), obtaining or attempting to obtain a settlement, being a witness in, or participating in or preparing to defend, be a witness in, or participate in, any Proceeding and any appeal therefrom and the cost of appeal, attachment and similar bonds.

  • Administration Costs means all costs to administer and distribute the Settlement Fund including the costs and professional fees of the Claims Administrator and the costs of implementing the Notice Plan;

  • Relocation Costs means costs incurred in the relocation of the furniture, fixtures, equip- ment, machinery and supplies, including, but not limited to, the cost of dismantling and reassembling equipment and the cost of floor preparation necessary for the reassembly of the equipment. Relocation costs include only such costs that are incurred during the ninety-day period immediately following the commencement of the relocation to an eli- gible premises. Relocation costs do not include costs for structural or capital improve- ments or items purchased in connection with the relocation.

  • Collection Costs means an amount that the Municipality can charge with regard to the enforcement of a consumer’s monetary obligations;

  • Acquisition Costs means all fees, costs, expenses, stamp, registration or transfer Taxes incurred by the Group in connection with the Acquisition.

  • Cleanup costs means expenses (including but not limited to legal and professional fees) incurred in testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating, neutralizing, detoxifying or assessing the effects of Pollutants.

  • Restoration Cost has the meaning set forth in Section 5.06.

  • Additional Transportation Cost means the actual cost incurred for one-way Economy Transportation by Common Carrier reduced by the value of an unused travel ticket.

  • Salvaging means the lawful and controlled removal of reusable materials from solid waste.

  • Transaction Costs means the costs incurred or estimated by the Management Company to cover the costs (such as, but not restricted to, brokerage, Trustee charges, taxes or levies on transactions, etc.) related to the investing or disinvesting activity of the Trust’s portfolio, inter alia, necessitated by creation or cancellation of Units, which costs may be added to the NAV for determining the Offer Price of Units or to be deducted from the NAV in determining the Redemption Price.

  • Termination Costs means all documented Direct Costs and Indirect Costs incurred by Transmission Owner in connection with the performance of the Services (i) prior to the effective date of termination, including such costs incurred for materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, engineering and other items, materials, assets or services that cannot reasonably be avoided, mitigated or cancelled, (ii) to unwind any work undertaken prior to or after the effective date of termination to the extent reasonably necessary to return the Projects to a configuration or condition in compliance with Good Utility Practice and applicable Law, and (iii) arising from cancellation costs relating to orders or contracts entered into in connection with the performance of Services by Transmission Owner prior to the effective date of the termination.

  • Transportation Expense means the cost of Medically Necessary conveyance, personnel, and services or supplies.

  • Construction Cost means and includes the cost of the entire construction of the Project, including all supervision, materials, supplies, labor, tools, equipment, transportation and/or other facilities furnished, used or consumed, without deduction on account of penalties, liquidated damages or other amounts withheld from payment to the contractor or contractors, but such cost shall not include the Consulting Engineer/Architect's fee, or other payments to the Consulting Engineer/Architect and shall not include cost of land or Rights-of-Way and Easement acquisition.

  • Settlement Administration Costs means all costs and fees of the Settlement Administrator regarding Notice and Settlement administration.

  • Distribution Costs means all costs of:

  • Transportation project means any project that the department is authorized by law to undertake including but not limited to a highway, tollway, bridge, mass transit, intelligent transportation system, traffic management, traveler information services, or any other project for transportation purposes.

  • Acquisition Cost means the cost to acquire a tangible capital asset including the purchase price of the asset and costs necessary to prepare the asset for use. Costs necessary to prepare the asset for use include the cost of placing the asset in location and bringing the asset to a condition necessary for normal or expected use.

  • Housing costs means the compensation or fees paid or charged, usually periodically, for the use of any property. land, buildings, or equipment. For purposes of this chapter, housing costs include the basic rent charge and any periodic or monthly fees for other services paid to the landlord by the tenant, but do not include utility charges that are based on usage and that the tenant has agreed in the rental agreement to pay, unless the obligation to pay those charges is itself a change in the terms of the rental agreement.

  • FOR Destination costs means the cost of equipment and material at the consignee’s stores. The cost is exclusive of Excise duty, Sales Tax and other Local Taxes, but is inclusive of packing, forwarding and insurance and freight charges.

  • Formation Cost means preliminary expenses relating to regulatory and registration fees of the Scheme, flotation expenses of the Scheme, expenses relating to authorization of the Scheme, execution and registration of the Constitutive Documents, legal costs, printing, circulation and publication of this Offering Document, announcements describing the Scheme and all other expenses incurred until the end of the Initial Period.