Recognised Organisations definition

Recognised Organisations or “RO” means any one of the following Classification Societies and such other society which may be added to the list by MD before the Tender Closing Date:American Bureau of Shipping ABSBureau Veritas SA BVChina Classification Society CCSDNV AS DNV ASKorean Register KRLloyd's Register LRNippon Kaiji Kyokai NKRINA Services S.p.A. RINA Russian Maritime Register of Shipping RS “Spare Parts” means the parts specified as such in Part 2 of Schedule 1 which the Government procures from the Contractor separate from the Vessel. “Stage” or “Milestone” means a milestone or a stage in the Implementation Plan. “Sub-contractor” or “sub-contractor” means a sub-contractor whose details are set out in Schedule 8 or such other sub-contractor from time to time appointed by the Contactor with the prior written approval of the Government pursuant to Clause 36 of this Part IV. “Tender Documents” means the documents issued by the Government in connection with this Invitation to Tender which comprises the following:Part I Lodging of Tender;Part II Conditions of Tender and Annexes A to E; Part III Articles of Agreement;Part IV Conditions of Contract and Annexes A to C; Part V Schedules 1 to 12;Part VI Offer to be Bound; andPart VII Technical Specifications and Annexes 1 to 13together with all the respective annexes, attachments, appendices, schedules and annexures to any of the above specified documents (if any). Unless otherwise defined, each of the above documents constituting the Tender Documents or the Contract (as the case may be) shall be referred to by their names and/or the relevant Part number of the Tender Documents as specified above. “Technical Acceptance” means the first part of the acceptance procedures for the Vessel, and where applicable the Spare Parts, to be conducted in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Contract and to comprise all inspections, tests, trials and experiments as stated in the Technical Specifications (unless otherwise stated expressly to be conducted at some other time). “Total Purchase Price” means the amount specified as such in Schedule 1.
Recognised Organisations or “RO” means any one of the following Classification Societies and such other society which may be added to the list by MD before the Tender Closing Date:American Bureau of Shipping ABSBureau Veritas BVChina Classification Society CCSDet Norske Veritas DNVKorean Register of Shipping KRLloyd's Register of Shipping LRNippon Kaiji Kyokai NKRegistro Italiano Navale RINA Russian Maritime Register of Shipping RS

Examples of Recognised Organisations in a sentence

  • IMO resolution A.739(18) "Guidelines for the Authorisation of Recognised Organisations acting on behalf of the Administrations" referred to in this PR has been superseded by the “Code for Recognized Organizations” adopted by the IMO by resolutions MSC.349(92) and MEPC.237(65).

  • Such Recognised Organisations will be required to observe all the requirements of Bye-Law 9 and clubs forming Recognised Organisations admitted into membership shall be entitled to the privileges of an Affiliated Club subject to satisfying the terms of Bye-Law 1 relating to Affiliated Clubs.

  • The organisations named in Rule 11.1 (Recognised Organisations) are not members of the Centre, but the Centre and its Members shall co-operate and use their best efforts with such organisations to promote their mutual interest in the Game of Bowls.

  • That the draft Merchant Shipping (Recognised Organisations) (Amendment) (EU Exit)Regulations 2019, which were laid before this House on 12 November, be approved.

  • For the avoidance of doubt, Recognised Organisations outwith Scotland have no vote.

  • On 4-11 November 2020, during its 102nd session (MSC 102), the Maritime Safety Committee is to approve an MSC-MEPC.5 Circular, which will set out the Model Agreement for Governments to use to authorise Recognised Organisations acting on their behalf.

  • This MSN outlines requirements on the United Kingdom, United Kingdom registered vessels, and United Kingdom authorised Recognised Organisations under the regulatory framework in Regulation (EC) 391/2009 and the legislation made under it, within the context of delegation of inspection and survey functions, and establishes whichorganisations are authorised to act on behalf of the United Kingdom.

  • This is because Directive 2009/15/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2009 on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations requires Member State administrations to regulate their working relationship with Recognised Organisations by a formalised written and non-discriminatory agreement, which must draw inspiration from the model agreement contained in MSC/Circ.

  • Under EU legislation on common rules and standards for ship inspection and survey organisations, Member States may delegate the inspection and survey of ships to EU authorised ship inspection and survey organisations, known as Recognised Organisations.

  • Regulation 5.3 Parties to MARPOL Annex VI may delegate the conduct of surveys to which MARPOL Annex VI applies to Recognised Organisations and should apply the IMO Guidelines for the authorisation of organisations acting on behalf of the Administration.

Related to Recognised Organisations

  • international organisation means an organisation and its subordinate bodies governed by public international law, or any other body which is set up by, or on the basis of, an agreement between two or more countries.

  • Organisation means a legal body which exists separately and distinctly from its members and includes companies, building societies, community benefit societies, local authorities and so on and also for the purposes of these Rules includes unincorporated organisations such as social clubs, branches of political parties or trade unions and other voluntary bodies.

  • Lead organization means a trade organization, labor organization or other incorporated entity representing a group of businesses that is the applicant for a business network project.

  • Registered Organization is any “registered organization” as defined in the Code with such additions to such term as may hereafter be made.

  • Qualified organization means any organization to which a valid permit has been issued by the

  • Community-based organization means a public or private nonprofit organization that is representative of a community or a significant segment of a community, and is engaged in meeting human, educational, environmental, or public safety community needs.

  • Indian organization means the governing body of any Indian tribe or entity established or recognized by the governing body of an Indian tribe for the purposes of 25 U.S.C., chapter 17.

  • Supervised financial organization means a person, other than an insurance company or other organization primarily engaged in an insurance business:

  • Religious organization means a church, ecclesiastical corporation, or group, not organized for pecuniary profit, that gathers for mutual support and edification in piety or worship of a supreme deity.

  • Political organization means a party, committee, association, fund, or other organization (whether or not incorporated) that is required to file a statement of organization with the State Board of Elections or a county clerk under Section 9-3 of the Election Code (10 ILCS 5/9-3), but only with regard to those activities that require filing with the State Board of Elections or a county clerk.