Examples of Reconciliation Run in a sentence
In the event that an error is identified in this data, the data will be re- submitted and corrected, as soon as reasonably practicable, but not later than the Final Reconciliation Run, once the corrected data is available.
The effective from date of an inventory shall be within a valid range defined as at least 5 days prior to the latest scheduled Final Reconciliation (Run) in the past and not more than 30 calendar days in the future of the submission date.
BSAD could be resubmitted to SAA for any Settlement or Reconciliation Run Type eg.
The TDC directed that a Bid Acceptance should be entered into Settlement in the R3 Reconciliation Run on 15 December 2004.
The legal term for Interim Adjustment, as used in the legal text for BSC inclusion, is Extra Settlement Determination.A second instruction is then issued to the FAA by ELEXON prior to the date of the next timetabled Reconciliation Run (including the case where this is a Disputes Final Run).
In the event that an error is identified in the ABSVD, the data will be re- submitted and corrected, as soon as reasonably practicable, but usually not later than the Final Reconciliation Run, once the corrected data is available.
The payment date of the Final Reconciliation Run for the Party's last day of trading shall be determined from the Settlement Calendar.
For the avoidance of doubt, a party may only raise a dispute in respect of non-BM ABSVD where they are the contracted BSP for the service.In the event that an error is identified in the ABSVD, the data will be re- submitted and corrected, as soon as reasonably practicable, but not later than the Final Reconciliation Run, once the corrected data is available.
If this Workaround were to continue for the foreseeable future, the:▪ risk that errors are introduced will remain;▪ the Workaround will not support the Final Reconciliation calculations; and▪ NETA Central Service Agent costs will continue to become payable.Therefore if the Modification is rejected then an alternative solution will need to be implemented in time for the Final Reconciliation Run.
In the event that an error is identified in the ABSVD, the data will be re- submitted and corrected, as soon as reasonably practicable, but not later than the Final Reconciliation Run, once the corrected data is available.