Recovery Fund definition
Examples of Recovery Fund in a sentence
Respondent was ordered to pay full restitution to the damaged parties and reimburse the Board for any monies paid out of the Residential Recovery fund plus fines and investigative costs prior to consideration of future licensure.
The Council was successful in an application to the National Leisure Recovery fund and has received an award of £110,000 to support the leisure contractor to reopen facilities.
Page 17 show that we have funds available to obligate in childcare, Adult Education and Literacy, vocational rehabilitation services, and even a couple of our private funding projects at the bottom of page 17 and 18.Discussions regarding the Service Industry Recovery fund included complications with industry classifications.
The Tourism Recovery Strategy fund was distributed through Global Marketing and the Targeted Regional Tourism Development fund was distributed through Destination Management.Also, in 2020/21, revenue from the Federal Government to support the tourism industry impacted by COVID-19 included $6.7 million of Western Economic Diversification Canada’s Regional Relief and Recovery Fund and $6 million of Destination Canada’s Tourism Recovery fund.
The Form 1391 is not required on state or Federal Recovery fund projects.