Examples of Red cells in a sentence
Red cells indicate that the measure fell below the NCQA 50th percentile, green indicates that the measure was at or above the 50th percentile.
Red cells: cells of the Voronoi tessellation at ds associated to laid particles at ds.
Red cells, platelets and fresh frozen plasma from group O donors with high titres of anti-A, anti-B and/or anti-A,B can result in haemolytic transfusion reactions (HTRs) when given to non-group O patients.
Red cells must be infused within 4 hours of leaving controlled storageIf delay is anticipated immediately return to Blood Bank or designated blood fridge within 30 minutes.
Red cells indicate erroneous data that require immediate corrective action Moreover, an integrated control station facilitates the monitoring of this data flow.
Red cells identify training needs and green cells show training has been completed.
If the cause of an error is not clear, it may be that a different part of the return needs to be completed first.0Light blue cells: subtotals 0Dark blue cells: totals 0 Red cells: an automatic validation check has been flagged.
Red cells without a number indicate that a cruise passed through both grid cells (allowing the spatial correlation to be calculated) but measurements were not taken within 7 days of each other and so were excluded from the difference calculation.
Red cells treat trauma patients or patients undergoing surgery with high blood loss, such as open heart surgery or organ transplant.
Red cells indicate that the ASCT system could have allocated more green time to WBT, where heavy inbound traffic existed on WBT due to the end of the concert.Table 22.