Examples of Redevelopment TIF District in a sentence
The City of Portland, by designating the Amended Bayside Redevelopment TIF District, will potentially capture all new investments made within the Amended District.
The Village also seeks to amend its existing Old Town Redevelopment TIF District, also established in 2016, by relocating certain parcels in that TIF (at the southeast corner of Main Street and Elm Avenue) to the new Spring Hill Mall 2 TIF, in order to create contiguity among the two TIFs. In addition to these efforts, the Village is also considering the adoption of a Business District for the Spring Hill Mall 2 TIF properties.
To address these conditions, in 2016, the Village adopted the Spring Hill Mall Redevelopment TIF District; however, due to further declines in EAV attributable to continued downward trends in sales and increasing vacancies related to the pandemic, along with the sale of the mall to a new owner in 202.
By Resolution 2011R-336 duly adopted July 1, 2011 and approved July 6, 2011, the City approved Modification No 1 to the Consolidated Redevelopment TIF District TIF Plan.
This project is also located in the existing Rte 111-Mill Redevelopment TIF District.
Councilmember Lewis motioned to approve Ordinance No. 2041 approving and adopting redevelopment Project Plan A1 within the Edgerton Homestead Lane Retail District Redevelopment (TIF) District in the City of Edgerton, Kansas.
In accordance with the Minimum Assessment Agreement, the City and Authority may select certain Lots to be removed from the Redevelopment TIF District and incorporated into new housing TIF districts established in accordance with the TIF Act, and the Owners (including Assignee, if applicable) of such Lots shall execute a replacement minimum assessment agreement substantially in the form attached as Exhibit D to the Minimum Assessment Agreement.
The City of Portland, by designating the Amended Bayside Redevelopment TIF District, will capture all new investments made within the Amended District.
The issuance of any general obligation bonds, supported by tax increment from the new district, will not negatively impact the City’s ability to issue other debt for general fund purposes.Exhibit 4Consolidated Redevelopment TIF District Tax Increment Schedule (2011‐2020)(actual #'s in 2011‐2016 and projected #'s in 2017‐2020) Rev.
Modification No 1 removes the three parcels that constitute the DC Group Expansion TIF District from the Consolidated Redevelopment TIF District.