Reference water definition

Reference water means a waterbody that exhibits a range of physical, chemical and biological characteristics approximating the natural background conditions of the same, or similar, type of waterbody within an ecologically similar region. A reference water may be representative of the water quality and structure and function of biological communities of natural background conditions even if there is evidence of limited human disturbance in the waterbody or watershed, as long as anthropogenic sources do not produce a significant measurable or predicted effect on the parameter of concern in the waterbody.

Examples of Reference water in a sentence

  • Reference water measurements were automated and typically unsupervised.

  • Reference water locations for some aquatic habitat types are listed in Table I.

  • Reference water, sewer, telephone, and electrical lines to corners of buildings and survey markers.

  • The most complete information concerning fracking fluid and its chemical constituents is the FracFocus website.• Reference water quality standards and contaminants, regulated and unregulated, and the levels regulators deem safe.

  • Reference water levelsReference water levels need to be implemented (both high and low water) on European waterways.

  • Complaints and information gathered during the investigation process will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.

  • I suspect the source of the problem was due to the water produced by the Milli-Q Reference water purification system.

  • Chlorophyll a concentrations in Reference water quality conditions are typically below these effects-based thresholds.

  • Subject to the other terms and provisions of ----------------------- this Agreement and the Plan, the Option shall vest and be exercisable in accordance with the following: DATE NUMBER OF OPTIONS EXERCISABLE EXERCISABLE ----------------------------- For the purposes of this Agreement, the "Termination Date" shall be the date ---------------- which is ten (10) years after the Grant Date.

  • Reference water column data will be collected by the Owner’s Representative prior to initiation of dredging, capping, construction, or rock removal activities.

Related to Reference water

  • Reference Gilt means the Treasury Stock specified as such in the relevant Final Terms for so long as such stock is in issue, and thereafter such issue of index-linked Treasury Stock determined to be appropriate by a gilt-edged market maker or other adviser selected by the Issuer and approved by the Bond Trustee (an “Indexation Adviser”).

  • Reference Resource means a combustion turbine generating station, configured with a single General Electric Frame 7HA turbine with evaporative cooling, Selective Catalytic Reduction technology all CONE Areas, dual fuel capability, and a heat rate of 9.134 Mmbtu/ MWh.

  • Reference Level means the level of the Index (excluding any flash estimates) published or announced by Eurostat (or any successor entity which publishes such index) in respect of the month that is 12 calendar months prior to the month referred to in “Latest Level” above.

  • Reference Tariff means an access charge (including any system premium) applicable to a specified Reference Train Service over a specified part of the Infrastructure as specified in QR Network’s Access Undertaking;

  • Reference mass means the unladen mass of the vehicle increased by a uniform figure of 100 kg;

  • Reference Value means the last reported sales price of the Ordinary Shares for any twenty (20) trading days within the thirty (30) trading-day period ending on the third trading day prior to the date on which notice of the redemption is given.

  • Reference Index means each of the indices comprising the Reference Portfolio.

  • Relevant Reference Price means the Reference Price on the Final Valuation Date. "Security Holder" means the holder of a Security.

  • Reference Asset Weight means, in respect of a Reference Asset, the proportion of the Reference Portfolio set out under the heading “Reference Portfolio Weight” for such Reference Asset in the table included under “THE REFERENCE PORTFOLIO, subject to adjustments that may be made pursuant to “DESCRIPTION OF THE NOTES – Adjustments and Exceptional Circumstances”.

  • Reference plane means a plane which is displaced from and parallel to the tomographic plane.

  • Reference man means a hypothetical aggregation of human physical and physiological characteristics determined by international consensus. These characteristics may be used by researchers and public health workers to standardize results of experiments and to relate biological insult to a common base.

  • Reference Price means the Reference Price of the Underlying as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data.

  • Nodal Reference Price at each location shall mean the 97th percentile price differential between day-ahead and real-time prices experienced over the corresponding two-month reference period in the prior calendar year. Reference periods will be Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May- Jun, Jul-Aug, Sept-Oct, Nov-Dec. For any given current-year month, the reference period months will be the set of two months in the prior calendar year that include the month corresponding to the current month. For example, July and August 2003 would each use July- August 2002 as their reference period.

  • Reference Year Market Flow means the Market Flow based on a transmission topology that includes all pre-existing Transmission Facilities and all new or upgraded Transmission Facilities whose impact on M2M Entitlements has been previously evaluated and incorporated.

  • Reference data means one or several of the following characteristics of a seating position:

  • Reference Pricei means the Reference Pricei of the relevant Basket Componenti as specified in

  • HICP Daily Inflation Reference Index means (A) in relation to the first day of any given month, the HICP Monthly Reference Index of the third month preceding such month, and (B) in relation to a day (D) (other than the first day) in any given month (M), the linear interpolation of the HICP Monthly Reference Index pertaining respectively to the third month preceding such month (M - 3) and the second month preceding such month (M - 2) calculated in accordance with the following formula:

  • Reference Amount means, for each share of Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock, an amount equal to the sum of the following amounts:

  • Affected Reference Entity means, in respect of a Specified Payment Date, that the Reference Entity was a Non-Determined Reference Entity as of the Cut-off Date relating to that Specified Payment Date (in each case determined by reference to Greenwich Mean Time (or, if the relevant Standard is Japan or Japan Sovereign, Tokyo time)) or that a Deferral Notice has been given to the Company after the Cut-off Date relating to that Specified Payment Date but on or prior to that Specified Payment Date (in each case determined by reference to Greenwich Mean Time).

  • Reference Exchange Rate means the exchange rate which is used as the basis to calculate any currency exchange and which is made available by the payment service provider or comes from a publicly available source;

  • CPI Daily Inflation Reference Index means (A) in relation to the first day of any given month, the CPI Monthly Reference Index of the third month preceding such month, and (B) in relation to a day (D) (other than the first day) in any given month (M), the linear interpolation of the CPI Monthly Reference Index pertaining respectively to the third month preceding such month (M - 3) and the second month preceding such month (M - 2) calculated in accordance with the following formula:

  • Reference Exchange means XETRA.

  • Reference Day means each Business Day in the relevant Interest Period, other than any Business Day in the Lock-out Period;

  • Reference Entity means with respect to a Synthetic Security, the Obligor to whose credit such Synthetic Security is linked and the Obligor under any Reference Obligation specified in such Synthetic Security.

  • Three-dimensional reference system means a system as described in Appendix 2 to this annex;

  • Day-ahead System Energy Price means the System Energy Price resulting from the Day- ahead Energy Market.