Examples of Regional Airports in a sentence
The Calgary Airport Authority (the “Authority”) was incorporated on July 26, 1990 under the Regional Airports Authorities Act (Alberta) (the “Act”) as a non-share capital corporation.
Such requests should be coordinated with the FAA Airports District Office (ADO) or Regional Airports Division and clearly depicted on the sponsor’s ALP.
It is not meant to be an interpretation that could be construed as protecting the “efficient’’ operation of an existing aeronautical service provider at the airport.is encouraged to contact the local Airports District Office (ADO) or the Regional Airports Office before taking action.
Address List for Regional Airports Divisions and Airports District/Field Offices.
HohlInformation Systems and Reverse Logistics: Examining Drivers of Implementation on Multiple Case Study Scenario 211Josip Maric, Florence Rodhain and Yves BarletteAnalysing the Role of Rail in Urban Freight Distribution 223Katrien De LangheTruck Loading Dock Process – Investigating Integration of Sustainability 245Niels Hackius and Wolfgang KerstenHow to Attract Air Freight Business: Defining Critical Success Factors for Regional Airports 273David M.
The window of opportunity to prepare and submit an application the Regional Airports Program Round 1 was short, and an external consultant was engaged to compile the documentation required to support the funding application.At the Special Council Meeting on 3 December 2019, Council authorised the submission of a grant application to upgrade the Mount Beauty Airport, with a Council commitment of no more than $1.6 million.
Regional Airports Division Managers are required to make a Runway Safety Area determination in accordance with FAA Order 5200.8, Runway Safety Area Program, for each runway at federally obligated airports and airports certificated under Part 139 within their geographic purview.
The recoverable amount of the U.S. CGU was not sufficient to support the carrying amounts of the assets resulting in the impairment.
CONSULTATIONSignificant community engagement preceded the 2017 gazettal of the planning scheme amendment which facilitated the upgrade to the airport and development of the adjacent Airpark.The timeframe available to prepare and submit an application to the Regional Airports Program was limited and did not support broad community engagement.
Such requests should be coordinated with FAA’s ADO or Regional Airports Division and upon FAA concurrence, clearly depicted on the sponsor’s ALP.