Special Economic Zone means each Special Economic Zone notified under the proviso to sub-section (4) of section 3 and sub-section (1) of section 4 (including Free Trade and Warehousing Zone) and includes an existing Special Economic Zone;
Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act means the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003);
traditional communities means communities recognised in terms of section 3 of the Eastern Cape Traditional Leadership and Governance Act, 2005 (Act No. 4 of 2005).
Broad-Based Black Economic Empower-ment Act means the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003);
Regional economic integration organization means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention;
freezing of economic resources means preventing the use of economic resources to obtain funds, goods or services in any way, including, but not limited to, by selling, hiring or mortgaging them;
European Communities means the European Economic Community, the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Atomic Energy Community.
Indian-owned economic enterprise means any Indian-owned (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior) commercial, industrial, or business activity established or organized for the purpose of profit, provided that Indian ownership constitutes not less than 51 percent of the enterprise.
exclusive economic zone ’ means the zone established by Presidential Proclamation Numbered 5030, dated March 10, 1983, including the ocean waters of the areas referred to as ‘‘eastern special areas’’ in Article 3(1) of the Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Re- publics on the Maritime Boundary, signed June 1, 1990;
Michigan economic development corporation means the public body corporate created under section 28 of article VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999 between local participating economic development corporations formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund. If it is determined that the Michigan economic development corporation is unable to perform its duties under this act, those duties shall be exercised by the Michigan strategic fund.
U.S. Economic Sanctions is defined in Section 5.16(a).
Urban Coordinating Council Empowerment Neighborhood means a neighborhood given priority access to State resources through the New Jersey Redevelopment Authority.
Michigan economic growth authority means the Michigan economic growth authority created in the Michigan economic growth authority act, 1995 PA 24, MCL 207.801 to 207.810.
Transient non-community water system or “transient non-CWS” means a non- CWS that does not regularly serve at least 25 of the same persons over six months of the year.
University Community means all students and employees of the University, persons officially associated with the University, former students and alumni at the University, as well as invitees, visitors and guests.
Non-community water system means a public water system that is not a community water system.
Provincial Council means a council established for a non-metropolitan province in terms of section 269 of the Constitution;
Net Economic Return shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in paragraph 2 of Exhibit E to the Lease.
Waste Management Plan means a waste management plan required by the municipality in terms of this by-law and NEM:WA;
U.S. Economic Sanctions Laws means those laws, executive orders, enabling legislation or regulations administered and enforced by the United States pursuant to which economic sanctions have been imposed on any Person, entity, organization, country or regime, including the Trading with the Enemy Act, the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the Iran Sanctions Act, the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act and any other OFAC Sanctions Program.
Railway Group Standards means standards authorised pursuant to
Enterprise zone means a neighborhood enterprise zone designated under the neighborhood enterprise zone act, 1992 PA 147, MCL 207.771 to 207.787.
Councillor means a member of a municipal council;
Labour Commissioner means the individual appointed as Labour Commissioner in terms of in section 120;
economic resources means assets of every kind, whether tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which are not funds, but may be used to obtain funds, goods or services;
Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons list maintained by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the United States Department of the Treasury found at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/ofac/downloads/sdnlist.pdf;