Regional Water Board definition

Regional Water Board means the appropriate California Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Regional Water Board means the California Regional Water Quality Control

Examples of Regional Water Board in a sentence

  • This Stipulated Order shall be effective and binding on the Parties upon the date the Regional Water Board enters the Order incorporating the terms of this Stipulation.

  • The Recipient certifies that any watershed protection activity undertaken as part of this Project will be consistent with the applicable, adopted, local watershed management plans and the applicable Water Quality Control Plan (Basin Plan and/or Statewide) adopted by a Regional Water Board or the State Water Board, where such plans exist.

  • The Parties understand that the Regional Water Board has the authority to require a public hearing to consider adoption of this Stipulated Order.

  • All approvals and decisions of the Regional Water Board under the terms of this Stipulated Order shall be communicated to the Settling Respondent in writing.

  • No oral advice, guidance, suggestions, or comments from Regional Water Board employees or officials regarding submissions or notices shall be construed to relieve the Settling Respondent of its obligation to obtain any final written approval this Stipulated Order requires.

More Definitions of Regional Water Board

Regional Water Board or “RWB” means a Board established under the Waterworks Act of 1995, Chapter 72:01 of the laws of the Recipient, to provide water supply and water-borne sanitation services in its respective designated water areas in Malawi, and for purposes of this Agreement means, individually, the Northern Region Water Board, the Central Region Water Board and the Southern Region Water Board, as the case may be, and includes any successor thereto, and Regional Water Boards shall mean such Regional Water Boards, collectively.
Regional Water Board is defined to mean the appropriate “California Regional Water Quality Control Board(s).” Under this agreement, the appropriate Regional Water Board is: Santa Xxx Regional Water Quality Control Board, which has jurisdiction at a release site. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, any reference to an underground storage tank (UST) means a petroleum UST as UST is defined in Health and Safety Code (H&SC) section 25281, subdivision (y), and any reference to an “unauthorized release” or “release” refers to an unauthorized release of petroleum from a UST.
Regional Water Board means the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley Region, created and exercising its powers pursuant to the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, Cal. Water Code § 13000 et seq.
Regional Water Board means the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region.
Regional Water Board means the Taranaki Catchment Commission and Regional Water Board:
Regional Water Board means the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region, and its staff and shall include its successor agencies/entities or delegated agencies/entities, if any.
Regional Water Board means a board established under section 1(1) or section 5(1)(a) of this Act;