Examples of Registered apprenticeship in a sentence
Registration also refers to the acceptance and recording of Apprenticeship Agreements thereof, by the Delaware Department of Labor, Office of Apprenticeship and Training, as evidence of the participation of the Apprentice in a particular Registered apprenticeship Program.
Registered apprenticeship programs are not required to submit initial or continued eligibility applications under these procedures.
Registered apprenticeship programs, labor-management training partnerships, quality pre-apprenticeship programs, card check neutrality, and local and targeted hiring goals are all examples of provisions that Workforce and Community Agreements could cover that would increase the success of a DOE-funded project.
Registered apprenticeship programs are regulated by the WSATC.*See WAC 296-05 for full definition of registered apprenticeship.
Registered apprenticeship programs are to be included and maintained on the Eligible Training Providers List (ETPL) as long as the corresponding program remains registered and will remain on the ETPL until it is deregistered or until the registered apprenticeship program notifies DEO in writing that it no longer wants to be included on the ETPL.