REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a member.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 2.1. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a member.
2.2. Individual E-Bidders are required to upload copies of identification documents.
2.3. For E-bidders who are companies, certified copies of the Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or its equivalent forms under the Companies Act 2016); Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution of the company in compliance with Companies Act 2016 and a duly signed Board of Director’s Resolution shall be uploaded.
2.4. E-Bidders only need to register as member once and the registered E-Bidder’s member name and password can be used for the subsequent auctions on the EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 2.1. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a user.
2.2. Individual E-Bidders are required to upload copies of identification documents.
2.3. For E-Bidders who are companies, certified copies of the Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or its equivalent forms under the Companies Act 2016); Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution of the company in compliance with Companies Act 2016 and a duly signed Board of Directors’ Resolution shall be uploaded.
2.4. E-Bidders will only need to register as user once and the registered E-Bidder’s username and password can be used for the subsequent auctions on the NCM website.
2.5. E-Bidders shall keep the E-Bidders’ account details strictly confidential and be liable for any bids made via the E-Bidders’ account.
2.6. E-bidders are responsible to identify the property properly and to ensure that the details and description of the Property are correct and accurate before bidding.
2.7. It is the sole and absolute responsibility of all intending E-Bidders at their own costs and expense, to seek and obtain from the Developer and/or the relevant authorities or bodies, all confirmations and/or consents as may be required or as may be applicable in respect of the purchase of the Property and to satisfy themselves on the physical condition of the Property and all matters in connection with the Property prior to the bidding (including and not limited to verifying the identity, particulars, state and condition of the Property and the terms of the conditions and restrictions affecting the Property if any, whether or not the Property is reserved for Bumiputra or Malay Reserved only and/or is a low cost property, and matters relating to the ownership and transfer of the Property, the status of the separate document of title to the Property and its particulars, the liabilities including amounts of outstanding service or maintenance charges owing and other obligations pertaining to the Property and the E-Bidders’ eligibility and qualification to purchase the Property). E-Bidders shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all of the matters aforesaid. Xx Xxxx Xxx & Co Sdn Bhd (“the Auctioneer”), the Assignee/Bank, the Assignee/Bank’s solicitors and NCM website and their respective agents or servants do not in any way make any representation or warranty in respect of any of the aforesaid and shall not in any way be responsible or liable to the E-Bidders in respect of any of the aforesaid.
2.8. The r...
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 3.1 Registration is currently free and is necessary to unlock many of the site’s more useful features. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a user.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 2.1. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a user.
2.2. Individual E-Bidders are required to email copies of identification documents.
2.3. For E-bidders who are companies, certified copies of the Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or its equivalent forms under the Companies Act 2016); Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution of the company in compliance with Companies Xxx 0000 and a duly signed Board of Director’s Resolution shall be uploaded.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 3.1. Registration is currently free and is necessary to unlock many of the site's more useful features. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a user.
3.2. E-Bidders only need to register as user once and the registered E-Bidder’s username and password can be used for the subsequent auctions on the ARENA AUCTIONEERS SDN BHD website.
3.3. E-Bidders should keep their account details strictly confidential and must not permit any third party to use or access the E-Bidders’ account on behalf or otherwise. The E- Bidders shall be liable for any bids made via the E-Bidders’ account.
3.4. E-Bidders may browse through the E-Bidding Dashboard on the website and select the properties they wish to bid.
3.5. By register and proceed with the bid in the Auction, the E-Bidders are deemed to have agreed and accepted the ARENA AUCTIONEERS SDN BHD website Terms & Conditions.
3.6. The Terms & Conditions shall be read together with all the Conditions of Sale attached to the Proclamation of Sale and shall be deemed to have been read and agreed upon by the E-Bidders prior to bidding. In the event of any inconsistency between the Terms & Conditions stated herein and the Conditions of Sale attached to the Proclamation of Sale, the Conditions of Sale attached to the Proclamation of Sale shall prevail.
3.7. Individual E-Bidders are required to upload copies of identification documents.
3.8. For E-Bidders who wish to purchase property under companies, need to provide certified copies of the Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or its equivalent forms under the Companies Act 2016); Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution of the company in compliance with Companies Xxx 0000 and a duly signed Board of Director’s Resolution.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 2.1. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a user.
2.2. Individual E-Bidders are required to upload copies of identification documents.
2.3. For E-Bidders who are companies, certified copies of the Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or its equivalent forms under the Companies Act 2016); Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution of the company in compliance with Companies Act 2016 and a duly signed Board of Directors’ Resolution shall be uploaded.
2.4. E-Bidders will only need to register as user once and the registered E-Bidder’s username and password can be used for the subsequent auctions on the NCM website.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 2.1. E-Bidders shall provide true, current a nd accurate information to register as a user.
2.2. Individual E -Bidders are required to email copies of identification documents. -HMalQaysiaWn E V-biddersDor cUompHanies areDalsoOadvVisedRto take V X E M H
2.3. For E -bidders who are companies, certified copies of the Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or its equivalent forms under the C ompanies Act 2016); Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution of the company in compliance with Companies Xxx 0000 and a duly signed Board of Director • V 5 H V upRloadOed X. W L R Q V K 2.4 E-Bidders will only need to register once and the registe red E - % L G G H U • V P H P E H U Q D P H D Q G S D V V Z R U 2.5. E-bidders are responsible to identify the property properly and to ensure that the details and description of the Property are correct and accurate before bidding.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 2.1. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to re gister as a user.
2.2. Individual E -Bidders are required to email copies of identification documents.
2.3. For E -bidders who are companies, certified copies of the Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or its equivalent forms under the Companies Act 2016); Memorandum and Articles of Association/Constitution /Regulations of the company in compliance with Companies Act D Q G D G X O \ uploV adeL dJ .Q H G 2.4 E-Bidders will only need to register once and the registered E - % L G G H U • V P H P E H U Q D P H D Q G S D V V Z R U 2.5. E-bidders are responsible to identify the property properly and to ensure that the details and description of the Property are correct and accurate before bidding.
REGISTRATION OF E-BIDDERS. 3.1. Registration is currently free and is necessary to unlock many of the site's more useful features. E-Bidders shall provide true, current and accurate information to register as a user.
3.2. E-Bidders only need to register as user once and the registered E-Bidder’s username and password can be used for the subsequent auctions on the ARENA AUCTIONEERS SDN BHD website.
3.3. E-Bidders should keep their account details strictly confidential and must not permit any third party to use or access the E-Bidders’ account on behalf or otherwise. The