Relative placement definition
Examples of Relative placement in a sentence
Relative placement promotes timely reunification, and placement stability, as children and youth placed with relatives experience fewer placement disruptions than children and youth placed with non-related foster parents.
Relative placement should always be given first consideration after which foster family care, group home care, and institutional care, are to be considered in that order.
Relative placement maintains the family system as day-to-day decisions continue to be made by adults that the child or youth already knows and understands to be their family.
Relative placement maintains the family system as day-to-day decisions continue to be made by adults that the child or youth already knows and understands tobe their family.
Performance items relevant to this strategy are:Item 1, Timeliness of initiating investigations of reports of child maltreatment; Item 4, Risk of harm to children; Item 5, Foster care re-entries; Item 15, Relative placement; Item 17, Needs and services of child, parents, foster parents.
Relative placement of sensors (s_number), actuators (at_number), relays (rd_number), and ACPs (ap_number) reduced significantly because total number of VIDs in use isreduced.
Relative placement promotes stability, decreased likelihood of re-abuse and institutional abuse, and better behavioral and mental health outcomes.
In order to change the permanency plan to adoption, the court must find:• DHS has made reasonable (or active, if the child is subject to ICWA) efforts and the parent has made insufficient progress to make it possible for the child to safely return home; and• None of the following circumstances apply: (ORS 419B.476 (5)(d)).o Relative placement.
Recommended Type Of Placement: Relative placement is appropriate to meet needs of child.Home has been approved for Foster Family Home certification pending licensure.
Subject to the following conditions: _____________________________________________________________________.[ ] The child is placed in the custody, control and care of DCYF, which shall have the authority to place and maintain the child in: [ ] Relative placement with ______________________________________ (name).