Examples of Relative placement in a sentence
Relative placement promotes timely reunification, and placement stability, as children and youth placed with relatives experience fewer placement disruptions than children and youth placed with non-related foster parents.
Relative placement should always be given first consideration after which foster family care, group home care, and institutional care, are to be considered in that order.
Relative placement maintains the family system as day-to-day decisions continue to be made by adults that the child or youth already knows and understands to be their family.
Relative placement maintains the family system as day-to-day decisions continue to be made by adults that the child or youth already knows and understands tobe their family.
Relative placement, whether it is foster care placement or custody or guardianship, can be of great benefit to a child in need of out-of-home placement.
Performance items relevant to this strategy are: Item 3, Services to family to protect child(ren) in home and prevent removal; Item 4, Risk of harm to child(ren); Item 5, Foster care re-entries; Item 6, Stability of foster care placement; Item 8, Reunification, guardianship, or permanent placement with relatives; Item 15, Relative placement; Item 16, Relationship of child in care with parents.
Relative placement of items to one another can also be im- portant when ordering items in a collection.
Relative placement options are now explored early in the assessment and case planning process.
Relative placement of the sensory equipment on the buoy in 21 meters of depth.
If not qualified, DCYF will report back to the court within 1 week of determination.[ ] Relative placement with (name) .[ ] Placement with a suitable person (name) .Placement with the relative or suitable person is contingent upon the caregiver’s cooperation with the DCYF case plan and compliance with this, and all subsequent court orders related to the care and supervision of the child, including but not limited to parent-child contact, sibling contacts, and any other conditions imposed by the court.