Examples of Released Credits in a sentence
As used in the Basin Liabilities and Credit Balance Summary Tables, Potential Credits equal the total expected credits from all approved mitigation projects based on the Site Development Plan or similar specifics approved by the IRT, less any Released Credits from those approved mitigation projects.
In general, because Preservation does not involve meeting short- term Performance Standards, 100% of the Credits expected to be created by an ILF Project implementing Preservation shall be deemed to be generated as Released Credits upon acquisition and full legal protection of the real property to be Preserved and the achievement of the applicable milestone for funding of the LTMM Fund for such real property.
Preservation of existing Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State that support a significant population of rare plant or animal species, or that are a rare aquatic resource type, may be proposed to generate Released Credits.
More so..Older people – the majority are digitally excluded.Lower income people and families Socially isolated and lonely people People whose care needs have progressed beyond domiciliary carePeople with disabilities – but some are quite adept and can help peersStatt members – specifically residential care workers, helping them to learn how to support residents digitally.
As milestones in an individual ILF Project’s Credit Release schedule are reached (i.e., Restoration, Establishment, Enhancement, and/or Preservation is implemented), the ILF Project will be deemed (as confirmed in writing by the applicable IRT Members) to have generated Released Credits.
Generation of Released Credits shall require: (1) the applicable IRT Members’ approval of the Project Development Plan for the ILF Project site; (2) achievement of the applicable milestone(s) in the Credit Release schedule; (3) submittal of a request for Credit Release to the applicable IRT Members, along with documentation substantiating achievement of the criteria for release to occur; and (4) written confirmation of Credit Release from the applicable IRT Member(s).
The applicable IRT Members will determine the specific type, Service Area, and number of Credits required to satisfy the Compensatory Mitigation when a permit, certification, or other authorization or approval is issued, and the applicable IRT Members will determine the number of Released Credits that each ILF Projectwill generate as it is completed, based on the achievement of applicable Performance Standards as reflected in the ILF Project's Credit Release Schedule.
It was suggested that children and young people should be able to have a say on who is a duty bearer.
Both the worker and the planner discount the future at rate β.Employment and unemployment: The worker is either employed or unemployed.
Each ILF Project Development Plan approved by the applicable IRT Members will include the method for determining the Released Credits to be generated by the individual ILF Project.