Mitigation project definition

Mitigation project means one or more of the following:
Mitigation project means the restoration, enhancement or creation of wetlands to compensate for adverse impacts to other wetlands. “Mitigation project” includes using credits from a wet- lands mitigation bank.
Mitigation project means one or more of the fol- lowing:

Examples of Mitigation project in a sentence

  • The Applicant shall give advance notice to the San Diego Water Board of any planned changes in the Project or the Compensatory Mitigation project which may result in noncompliance with Certification conditions or requirements.

  • Mitigation project alternatives are required as part of application development.

  • Other potential funding sources include the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development programs, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and $2.4 million for a 406 Hazard Mitigation project has been proposed to FEMA to improve an underground sewer pump station.

  • The required format for applications is in the Mitigation eGrants system:• Mitigation planning activities must be submitted in a planning subgrant application;• Mitigation project activities must be submitted in a project subgrant application;• Applicant management costs (for Applicants only) must be submitted in a management costs subgrant application;• FMA grant applications must be submitted in a FMA grant application for FY 2016.

  • The required format for applications is built into the Mitigation eGrants system:• Mitigation planning activities must be submitted in a planning subgrant application;• Mitigation project activities must be submitted in a project subgrant application;• Applicant management costs (for Applicants only) must be submitted in a management costs subgrant application;• PDM grant applications must be submitted in a Pre-Disaster Mitigation Competitive (PDMC) grant application for FY 2016.

More Definitions of Mitigation project

Mitigation project means actions necessary to replace project-induced losses to the functions of a critical area, including land acquisition, planning, construction plans, monitoring and contingency actions.
Mitigation project means mitigation of the type speci- fied in sub. (3r) (a) 3.
Mitigation project or “mitigation site” means a wetland restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation site that is developed with the intention of selling credits to permittees or exempt applicants in need of mitigation or a site developed by a permittee or exempt applicant to fulfill their mitigation requirements.
Mitigation project and “Project” shall mean a mitigation project as provided in Section VII (Mitigation).
Mitigation project means actions necessary to replace project-induced critical area and associated buffer losses, including planning, land acquisition, construction, monitoring, and contingency actions.
Mitigation project means to repair or alter a building or design for the purpose, in whole or in part, of reducing the concentration of radon in the indoor atmosphere.
Mitigation project means the restoration, enhancement, or creation of wetlands or shoreline habitat to compensate for permitted adverse impacts to other wetlands or shoreline habitats and includes the use of credits from a wetland mitigation bank.