Rent Tribunal definition

Rent Tribunal means a Rent Tribunal constituted under section 34;
Rent Tribunal means the Rent Tribunal constituted under sub-section (1) of section 41;
Rent Tribunal means a Rent Tribunal established under the Act;

Examples of Rent Tribunal in a sentence

  • If the landlord refuses to make the repair, the tenant may apply to the Ontario Rent Tribunal for the completion and costs of the repair.

  • If a landlord unreasonably withholds consent to assign or sublet or charges a fee, the tenant may apply to the Ontario Rent Tribunal for arbitration.

  • Such consent can only be refused if the Landlord can show reasonable cause for not giving its consent.Jan Håkansson Byggplanering AB and Technology Solution & Integration Sverige AB are, according to their respective lease agreement, not entitled to assign their lease agreements to another party without prior written consent from the Landlord or permission from the Rent Tribunal.

  • Disputes regarding the notice may be resolved through arbitration with the assistance of the Ontario Rent Tribunal.

  • The International Monetary Fund has recommended that Sweden should expand this program to build more affordable rental housing.It is free (i.e. there is no fee) for tenants to make a complaint to the Rent Tribunal.

More Definitions of Rent Tribunal

Rent Tribunal means Rent Tribunal constituted under Section 31;
Rent Tribunal means an officer appointed as Rent Tribunal under section 34;
Rent Tribunal means a rent tribunal established under section 3;
Rent Tribunal means a Rent Tribunal constituted under sub-section (1) of section 22 of the Act and includes an Additional Rent Tribunal constituted under Sub-section (2) of that section;
Rent Tribunal means Rent Tribunal constituted under Section 33;
Rent Tribunal means a Rent Tribunal constituted under section 34;(l) “Schedule” means a schedule annexed to this Regulation;(m) “Sub-tenant” means a person to whom the tenant sublets whole or part of the premises held by him or transfers or assigns his rights accrued under the tenancy agreement or any part thereof upon entering into a supplementary agreement to the existing tenancy agreement;(n) “Tenant”, whether called lessee or by any other name, means a person by whom or on whose account or on behalf of whom, the rent of any premises is payable to the landlord under a tenancy agreement and includes any person occupying the premises as a sub-tenant and also, any person continuing in possession after the termination of his tenancy whether before or after the commencement of this Regulation; but shall not include any person against whom any order or decree for eviction has been made. (1) Nothing in this Regulation shall apply to any––(a) premises owned or promoted by the Central Government or State Government or Union territory Administration or local authority or a Government undertaking or enterprise or a statutory body or Cantonment Board;(b) premises owned by a company, University or organisation given on rent to its employees as part of service contract;(c) premises owned by religious or charitable institutions as may be specified, by notification by the Union territory Administration;(d) premises owned by waqf registered under the Waqf Act, 1995 or by any trust registered under the public trust law of the Union territory for the time being in force;(e) other building or category of buildings specifically exempted in public interest by notification by the Union territory Administration.(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), if the owner and tenant of the premises referred to in clause (a) to clause(e) of the said sub-section agrees that the tenancy agreement entered into between such landlord and tenant be regulated under the provisions of this Regulation, such landlord may inform the Rent Authority of the agreement to do so at the time ofinformation of the tenancy agreement under section 4. 3. Regulation not to apply to certain premises.
Rent Tribunal means the Rent Tribunal constituted under section 32;