Examples of Replacement Teacher in a sentence
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education upon recommendation by the Superintendent to approve Kimberly Ambler as a Maternity Leave Replacement Teacher from August 30, 2023 to December 21, 2023 at MA, Step 8 at $61,905.00 prorated (pending negotiations), pending the results of a criminal background check.
Yet when the wealth of the nation is taken into account, this relation disappears, which means that income inequality works out neutrally from this ethical perspective.
Jessica Shertenlieb, KDN Replacement Teacher, GJM, BA Step 1, $55,194.00, LEHEA guide, prorated effective on or about January 4, 2016 through June 8, 2016.
Approve the appointment of ANDREA DETORO as full-time Replacement Teacher of Health and Wellness, effective January 2, 2013 (or sooner) to June 30, 2013, at a total annual salary of$50,000 pro-rated (BA, Step 1), which may be adjusted upon approval of a new Master Agreement between the Board of Education and the NHEA.
Maritza Viera-Ferrer, Temporary Replacement Teacher of Spanish, PCR#112, Grover Cleveland Middle School, BA Guide, Step 5, at the annual salary of $48,815 (to be prorated), effective September 1, 2011 to January 13, 2011.
Approve the appointment of CHIARA D’AGOSTINO as .8 Replacement Teacher of Italian, effective November 19, 2012 to June 30, 2013, at a total annual salary of $56,674 (BA, Step 6), pro- rated, which may be adjusted upon approval of a new Master Agreement between the Board of Education and the NHEA, per attachment.
Approve an additional assignment for CHRISTOPHER BROKING at a rate of $64.17 per day, THOMAS VISCARDI at a rate of $64.17 per day, STEVEN CERELLI at a rate of $62.27 per day, MARY MCKINLEY at a rate of $57.04 per day and STACEY LAMOTTA at a rate of$64.17 per day, for the purpose of Leave Replacement, Teacher of Special Education from September 5, 2018 to October 5, 2018.
L46.1 For the purposes of Part V “eligible Replacement Teachers” shall mean those teachers who, as of April 1, have completed at least 97 school days (or a complete semester) of employment as a Replacement Teacher with the Board during the previous 12 months (i.e. April 1 of the prior school year to March 31 of the current school year) and have notified the Board in writing, using the form provided by the Board, that they wish to be considered for placement in other positions in accordance with L46.0.
Gilroy is the Grade 3 - Leave Replacement Teacher for current teacher out on leave.
Modify August 11, 2014 Agenda Item J.6 Appointment of Kindergarten Maternity Leave Replacement Teacher Assistant for Janine Watts as a learning language disabled replacement.