Examples of Replacement Vessel in a sentence
How- ever, if the Regional Administrator de- termines that the vessel does not meet the requirements to become an Amend- ment 80 Replacement Vessel, the appli- cant will be notified by an initial ad- ministrative determination (IAD) that the application for replacement vessel is denied.
If the Regional Administrator determines that the additional infor- mation or evidence meets the appli- cant’s burden of proving that the vessel meets the requirements to become an Amendment 80 Replacement Vessel, the application will be approved.
Accordingly, it has been determined that the Replacement Vessel will provide transportation in foreign commerce, thereby meeting the requirements of 46 U.S.C. § 53102(b)(2).
The Approval Order explained that APL “will time charter the Replacement Vessel .
Upon such filing, such Replacement Vessel will constitute a “Vessel” for purposes of the Loan Documents.