Examples of Reported Revenue in a sentence
The Airport’s Control Activities For Monitoring Reported Revenue Should Be Strengthened.The Airport should strengthen its monitoring activities to validate the Concessionaire's internal control effectiveness or the Concessionaire's compliance with the contract.
The Share of Reported Revenue Received via Form 1099-K across Business Types in 2011 ( )Figure 1 depicts the share of receipts reported via Form 1099-K across business types, which ranges from 1.6 percent of C corporations’ receipts to 10.9 percent of S corporations’ receipts.
The determination of whether the ARP Threshold has been met for the corresponding Revenue Test Period will be made initially based off of Reported Revenue (as reported in the Monthly Questionnaires delivered by Company to Lender pursuant to Section 5.19).
For example, the auditors asserted that “CPD Inaccurately Reported Revenue Generated by the Program.” They cite that revenue reported (which was taken from the CPD website) was based on estimates rather than actual amounts; but they did not show how that was inappropriate or whether they attempted to examine the estimates.
Reported Revenue Outturn Budget Actual Variations £'000£'000£'000 Net position - Services 226,633 236,881 10,248Net position - Corporate Accounts(226,633)(235,731)(9,098)including Receipts from Council Tax, Business Rates, Revenue GrantTotal - 1,150 1,150 The level of general reserves at 31 March 2020 have increased by £6.3m from the previous year and stand at £19.274m and, as set out in the Council’s February 2020 budget report, the MTFP projects this to increase by £1.65m over the next year.
Year ended December 31, 2005 Reported Revenue Growth Less: Currency ImpactLess: Acquisitions, Divestitures & Transfers Less: All Other Organic Revenue Growth Consulting services 3% 1% 2% —% —%Outsourcing (8) — (2) 1 (7) Total revenue 1% —% 1% 2% (2)% Overall Consulting revenue was up $8 million from 2004, as growth from small acquisitions more than offset $15 million of lost contingent commissions.
It is therefore important to control for these factors in a multivariate analysis.We estimate the following equation using a random effects model:12 Performancei,t = a1 × Affiliationi + a2 × Debt Ratioi,t + a3 × Agei,t + a4 × Sizei,t (1)+ b × Industry Effects + c ×Year Fixed Effects To asses the significance of the estimated coefficients, we use clustered standard errors.
Projected and Reported Revenue Reports for fiscal years 2008 through 2021 may be found on WSDOT’s website: https://wsdot.wa.gov/about/accountability/tolling-reports-policy.
Steve Lackey (412) 234-5601 Andy Clark (412) 234-4633 11 Appendix Reconciliation of Reported Revenue and Expense ($millions) 4th Qtr 2005 4th Qtr 2004 Reported Adj.
SUMMARY OF B US INESS Over vie w We are the third largest mobile telecommunications operator in India, based on TRAI Reported Revenue and number of VLR subscribers.