Examples of Representative Signature in a sentence
Alternate Representative Signature of Bidder Or Officer authorized to sign the bid on behalf of the bidder.
No.: Fax No.: Email: Bidder’s Authorized Representative Signature OverPrinted Name: Date: Amount of Quotation (In Words)Php Instruction: To all bidders, please fill-out all the necessary information required in the boxes of the above Bidder’s Profile/Quotation Form.
Bidder’s Authorized Representative Signature over Printed Name SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this day of at, Philippines.
Authorized Representative Signature Date Print Name M/WBE 105AREQUEST FOR WAIVER FORM BIDDER/APPLICANT NAME:TELEPHONE:EMAIL:ADDRESS:FEDERAL ID NO.:CITY, STATE, ZIPCODE:RFP#/PROJECT NO.: INSTRUCTIONS: By submitting this form and the required information, the bidder/applicant certifies that Good Faith Efforts have been taken to promote M/WBE participation pursuant to the M/WBE goals set forth under this RFP/Contract.
Name of Respondent’s Organization Printed Name of Organization’s Authorized Representative Signature of Organization’s Authorized Representative DateFORM 5 – DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION IDENTICAL TIE PROPOSALS – Preference will be given to businesses with drug free workplace programs.
Organization Name Address, City, State, and Zip Code Phone & Fax Email Address Printed Name and Title of Authorized Representative Signature Date The State of Texas has passed a law concerning non-resident Companies.
Name of Bidder: Date: By Authorized Representative: Signature: Print Name & Title: FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, COUNTY OF SOMERSET STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP DISCLOSUREN.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2 (P.L. 1977, c.33, as amended by P.L. 2016, c.43)This statement shall be completed, certified to, and included with all bid and proposal submissions.
Name of Bidder: Date: By Authorized Representative: Signature: Print Name & Title: COUNTY OF SOMERSETBID PROPOSAL FORM/SIGNATURE PAGE TO THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS: The undersigned declares that he/she has read the Notice, Instructions, Affidavits and Scope of Services attached, that he/she has determined the conditions affecting the bid and agrees, if this bid is accepted, to furnish and deliver services.
Preferably, a contact name should also be included.Patient or Representative Signature: Have the patient or representative sign the notice to indicate that he or she has received it and understands its contents.Date/Time: Have the patient or representative place the date and time that he or she signed the notice.
Name of Authorized Representative: Signature: Title: Date: NOTARY:State of _ , County of _ Subscribed and sworn to before me this _ _ day of _ 20 [ Stamp]Notary Public: My commission expires _ ATTACHMENT I: ALCOHOL/DRUG-FREE WORK PLACE POLICY POLICY It is the policy of the Department of Public Safety to provide a work environment free of alcohol and drugs in order to ensure the safety and well-being of employees, correctional clientele, and the general public.